Ben Hogan Interview 1989

Some great thoughts from Hogan himself (1989 Interview)

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30 thoughts on “Ben Hogan Interview 1989

  1. I respect Mr. Hogan for being able to get the most out of his game as was possible. His hard work and determination are admirable. But what worked for him is not a universal answer that will work for everyone. For example, Jack Nicklaus won twice as many majors as Hogan (he won 18 majors, was second 19 times, and was in the Top 5 an astounding 56 times in majors) and he did it while only playing 12 – 15 tournaments a year because he made a promise to his wife when they started having kids that he would be a father who was involved in his kid's lives. As Lee Trevino said of Nicklaus: "He was a legend in his spare time." So, while Jack practiced diligently when he took to the range or practiced rounds, he didn't spend nearly the hours Hogan did perfecting his game, nor was he as consumed with the game as Hogan was. But when Nicklaus did take to the course in a tournament, there was nobody who was better. The balance worked for Nicklaus, but it may not have worked for Hogan or others; just like what worked for Hogan may not have worked for Nicklaus or others.

    To be able to practice like Hogan did takes a special talent on its own that most people are not capable of, as it involves much more than simply beating balls for hours. If all one does in practicing golf is beat balls, then that practice isn't worth much. To practice like Hogan requires that one be focused on each and every shot as if they were in a competitive round and using their full concentration in order to get the most out of every practice shot. If one is not focused on every shot in practicing, after a while it is easy to start putting bad swings on the ball and then bad habits can develop and when that happens, practice becomes detrimental. Hogan said he used to practice with full intensity on every shot for 8 hours a day; try doing that for 1 hour with that level of concentration and you will find it hard to do, as it is difficult to keep one's mind focused that intently on every shot for that long a period. That is why most players at the highest level don't practice like Hogan; it's not because they don't want to, it's because they simply can't. In fact, very few people can practice like Hogan did. But, as Hogan said, he enjoyed practicing. In fact, he enjoyed practicing more than he enjoyed playing a round.

    So, while Hogan's work ethic and determination are very admirable, few people are capable of working at the game the way he did and there were other great players who took completely different routes in achieving great results.

  2. Yes but there are many people in all walks of life and in all professions who admit had they had the time they would have done more.
    This man had the time…his work WAS golf…
    Remember, no one ever said on his deathbed "I wish I spent more time at the office."
    We all should have the opportunities thus man had to do what we loved, all of the time, and be paid for it.

  3. diamond1897, you had asked about Mr. Hogan's military service. According to Kris Tschetter's book, "Mr. Hogan, The Man I Knew" she says, "He loved to fly, having become a pilot in the Army Air Corps (in WWII). Most people knew Arnold Palmer as a pilot-golfer, but few knew that Ben Hogan could barrel-roll a P38 Lighting."

  4. I respect mr hogan a great deal. but when you grow up with little, and later in life you have no children, it affords you the time To devote to practice. Anyone can do it, really.

  5. Someone wrote that when people get old they start revising their life. That's true, absolutely. People like to remember the good things they do, in the best light possible. However, there usually some level of truth in what people assert. For instance, Ben Hogan saying that the pros were like brothers is believable because the pros were respected peers who banded together to form a golf tour of sorts. So, if you spend most of your time with the same people everyday then, of course, they are likely to become friends (especially because you are traveling with them around the country touring.). The far greater thing about all of Ben Hogan's interviews is the sheer wisdom that you receive if you are willing to listen and take heart at the message that he tries to convey. Wisdom is often transferred in what amounts to parables. That is because wisdom tends to be esoteric requiring first comprehension, then understanding, then internalization, and finally, insight. How about a metaphor then? If Ben Hogan were a beverage, he wouldn't be artificially flavored.

  6. You can see why Mr. Hogan could be intimidating to others, but you also get the feeling through his words that he was an extremely gentle, kind man. We need more men like this today!

  7. Competition! That word is hated by the left (0bama voters). The left hates competition because there is a winner and a loser. Big Gov is the great equalizer making everyone mediocre. It's all about fairness, not prosperity and making everyone's life better.

    Hogan's belief that the key was competition to making him the best

  8. Neither of you knew any of the golfers you're talking about!…so who cares what you think?…not both yanks by any chance, are you…that would explain it!

  9. The wonderful thing about watching this is, Ben hogan was the epitome of hard work and absolute faith in action, He, George Knudson, will always be the greatest influences on the golf swing that every person is trying to repeat, particularly under pressure. When the the actual golf swing motion becomes a joy to perform time after time, you will know for certain how these gentlemen found the secret to great golf! It is so easy when you realize finally and how,"the secret is really in the dirt"!

  10. I don't believe anybody "hated" anybody. You deal in hyperbole and insults, as your screen-name suggests. Hogan wasn't a touchy-feely guy, which is true of many super- achievers. But he was a great and good man.

  11. You don't know what you're talking about. Hogan was a private and quiet man who concentrated ferociously on his game. Maybe Arnold didn't like him, who gives a crap. The fact is — look it up — 99% of those who played with him found him disconcertingly quiet but perfectly polite. Everybody doesn't have to be chatty-chatty Mr. Super-Friendly, which is often fake. Hogan wasn't fake. He was concentrating on his game.

  12. Great video…haven't seen much footage of the man (interviews) but this was inspiring!….i saw Joe DiMaggio once in person and was awestruck!…..Icons in their fields!!!

  13. Ben Hogan was the best golfer who ever lived – He was his own teacher and was known as the hardest worker in the game – If not for the accident that almost killed him in 1949 he would have doubled his victories – after the accident he played fewer tournaments and won most of them. His book "the 5 lessons of golf" is the bible of golf, my copy is near 50 years old & its still one of the must books for anyone who wants to improve their game.

  14. Great golfers will come and go, but there will only be one Hogan. His world was as far away from the silly-season 10 million dollar tournaments as it was possible to be, but he captures the essence of the game; work, determination, control of the golf ball. It's a privilege to listen to the great man.

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