How to Shorten Your Golf Swing
Click the link above to watch the full “Rigth Knee Laser Beam Drill” for FREE!!!
How to Shorten Your Golf Swing (Golf's #1 Lag Instructor)

If you shorten your swing with only your arms, you're going to give up a ton of distance.

I want you to stop overswinging, but you must load properly in your backswing if you don't want to sacrifice power.

In this video, you'll learn the Right Knee Laser Beam Drill to do just that.

You'll find out:

1) Why twisting your hips around in your backswing isn't necessary for power, and

2) How to get fully loaded in your backswing every time.

Watch this video now to learn this simple drill that'll encourage a more efficient and powerful swing!

5 thoughts on “How to Shorten Your Golf Swing

  1. And b) potentially add speed. Thought you might find it interesting. Search
    sasha Mackenzie and Chris combo discuss the golf swing on YouTube

  2. Hi clay, I came across a good (but gets very technical) explanation of the
    club plane/hand plane impacts and how that helps a) square up

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