Lee Westwood Golf Swing Lesson

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Lee Westwood Golf Swing Lesson with PGA professional Mark Crossfield, AskGolfGuru. Mark takes a close look at Lee Westwoods golf swing and talks about the many great movements he makes along with some of Lee's more interesting golf swing movements. Play your best golf with Mark's simple and easy to follow golf tips, drills and instruction.

22 thoughts on “Lee Westwood Golf Swing Lesson

  1. I would argue the drop of his head in the down swing allows a much steeper
    shoulder angle for him at impact, keeping his head down and right through
    the strike. The bent elbow would be a compensation he has made to make this

  2. Guessing from his slightly shoulder position at impact, he was playing a
    cut fade? The little chicken wing would also tend to keep his club face
    slightly open at address, correct? Just curious the correlation between
    how the ball flew and this particular swing. Great analysis, as always

  3. It’s interesting how he drops in the downswing and stays there. Most
    golfers that drop, for example Tiger and Rory, come back up. I feel that
    when you drop, coming back up just naturally happens. I can’t speak for the
    pros, but I know I have a drop and I don’t have to think about coming back
    up by impact.

  4. Mark, would you say that a “quirky” swing requires more practice to
    maintain timing, etc. Or is maybe more prone to injuries? Most of us can
    achieve good impact some or most of the time, but we still need to work on
    improving our movements. And if I practiced enough to perfect my impact,
    I’d probably end up injured.

    Interested in your thoughts about having a “correct” swing in the context
    of efficiency, repeatability and injury prevention.

    Thanks for the great videos.

  5. seems unlikely he could ever release the club head. How is it he does not
    wind up with everything leaking right hold offs pushes etc?? curious

  6. Great analysis Mark.
    Do you think that that bent left arm may have something to do with his loss
    of height through the swing?
    It seems to me that he has to bend that lead arm to get the club back to a
    good impact position without the club head lagging way behind the body…

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