Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods in new Nike ad

The world number 1 golfer has announced his £155 million sponsorship deal with Nike with a new TV advert featuring Tiger Woods.

In the new one minute advert McIlroy and Woods are captured on the driving range taking turns to hit some unlikely shots into a variety of different cups.
No Cup Is Safe, the official name of the commercial, is due to air from Wednesday January 16 in the US.
It marks the start of McIlroy's ten year sponsorship deal with the sports giant which is reported to be worth £155 million.
Writing on Twitter the Northern Irishmen said he was “pumped” to have joined the Nike stable.

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40 thoughts on “Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods in new Nike ad

  1. why is there a 2 second shot of a chinese restaurant? why a chinese
    restaurant? why not something else like a japanese restaurant? what is the
    reason behind that? 

  2. Nike builds their brand on the backs of sponsors like Tiger who is a bad
    example for values in our nation. Without the Tiger, there would be no Nike
    as most of the products are made in Asia and do not last. Nike will soon be
    a thing of the past when another Underarmer comes into market.

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