This golf tip will help Close Shoulders at Address in the golf swing. This swing tip will get you in a better position coming down.
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This is total fact. Once I understood my shoulder relationship the game became sooooo much easier. Irons are even easier to hit with the closed shoulder. Tight draws. 7 iron went from 145 carry to 170 once I grooved the left shoulder.
Just what I needed.
…good insight…
Nice. Thanks!
I think that’s exactly what I do. I get in front of it. Thanks for the tip!
Feet and shoulders aimed right. Swing over the top and hit left.. ? ?
He’s trying low left but takes it too far inside during the backswing. That’ll be $150.00 please! Hey I think I recognize that clubhouse. Could that be in South Carolina?
Looked like you came across that yourself and banana’d it into the trees on the right. No offence.
Closed shoulders makes me hit iron shots fat.
???? get cha some of that!!!! ??
I have a very similar swing and my shoulders point to the left. Would you reccomend trying to close the shoulders or close the stance?