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Justin Thomas is a great example of the crop of young golfers at the top of the world's game. Justin has a great modern rotational swing that allows him to hit the ball very far and very consistently. Watch the video to see what Dan thinks of Justin's action…

If you're interested in learning more about the modern rotational swing… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCrLL…

Website: http://www.danwhittakergolf.com/
Email: dan@danwhittakergolf.com
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inathaniel11 says:

This is very much the swing style gg swing tips teaches. Kelvin miyahira and Lucas wall as well.

StarlitShadows says:

I really look forward to these swing analysis' that you do. You break it better than anyone if you ask me. Great video

Coffee Cris says:

Yeah 983k baby!! I still have mine and play it every once in a while. One of my favorite drivers of all time, love the smaller footprint and bore through hosel.

Chip Satterly says:

BTW Dan, you might be entitled to some credit for Bryson's recent success.He struggled earlier in the year and missed a LOT of cuts.He posted videos of his driver swing almost every week (on Instagram) and I noticed that he was letting his R elbow get away from his chest at the top of his back swing. This pulled his hands out of position and it looked to me like he was getting "stuck" coming back with either push fades or flips left. I remembered your video clip on how IMPORTANT it was to keep your hands in FRONT of your chest to avoid getting stuck.I sent the video to Bryson and suggested that he review it.I did not hear back from him BUT shortly thereafter his driver swing changed. This became quite obvious in his more recent videos.He shortened the swing and notably, his R elbow was tucked in closer to his chest at the top.Suddenly, he started making cuts and his SG driving and SG tee to green dramatically improved.If you take the time to compare the weekly videos over the past 6 months you can really see the difference.MAYBE it's just a coincidence but hat's off to you anyway, for showing US WHY you have to keep your hands/elbows in the right position through the swing!Good luck!Chip

Chip Satterly says:

Hi Dan!!You always do a GREAT analysis of golf swings.They are all so different but the fundamentals needed for a GOOD STRIKE always seem to be quite similar.
Bryson DeChambeau is one of my favorite players now.He of the single length set of irons and unusual "zero shift motion ( a la Homer Kelly in The Golf Machine") so called single plane golf swing.
Recently, he won his first tour event at the John Deere and is poised to make a good run at the Fed Ex Play off's.
I saw him at the PGA last week in Charlotte and was impressed with his ball striking.He has a very athletic build and set up but his hands are very high at address and he uses these massive Jumbo Max grips. The lie angles on his irons are super high, too.
Would really like to see you do a thorough analysis of his swing and show us why his unique approach is working so well!

Howie Land says:

Great analysis, Dan! It's amazing to see JT up on his toes at impact with driver. Very illuminating to see his driver swing and iron swing side by side. btw, congrats on the 20K subscribers!

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