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Chris Ryan teams up with Andy and Piers from MeandMyGolf to bring you 3 of their best putting tips to help you lower your scores.

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►Golf lessons avilable with Chris at The Belfry Hotel and Resort, contact Chris for further information.



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Girish Kumar says:

Hahahaha…. I putt like 3rd

Amir Bajrami says:

This was great, I been tryin to find out about "putting exercises at home" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Graysonyon Putter Prolific – (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my cousin got amazing success with it.

Mark Greer says:

Most people don't need help hitting it straight, they need help reading greens and judging speed. Green speeds vary a lot. Too difficult to rely on memory of swing speed.

camelCase says:

Chris hahaha. Pretty big pull there on that putt, but great tips!

Pin Seeker says:

what a terrible putt

golfrichardvc says:

Good tips – awful results !!!!!

sub333 says:

Very useful, thank you

nicoclause says:

thankyou guys 3 great tips

Nathan Jones says:

Piers bless him, if you watch me and my golf vlogs he's the worst putter on YouTube/Rick Shiels too he's putting game isn't one you'd want ? great video all the same though great to see both channels linking up!

Julian Meier says:

Of course Andy holed his putt. Best short game on youtube his is! Nice video!

Adam Flynn says:

I feel the putter should rotate(for my stroke anyway) and I don't use any of these tips and I putt very well…I sometimes feel people just let tension get the better of them with putting and that's why they find it so hard – so the idea of raising the putter slightly off the ground makes sense to me but just try breathe deeply and relax as anxiety kills ur golf but especially ur putting. ?
I also use a golf ball ( srixon Z star) that to me feels great when I putt with it…That's my benchmark for trying out a new ball how does it feel off my putter face – if the ball feels good I can usually 2 putt from anywhere on a green as I judge pace very well..if it feels too hard or soft I 3 putt more often (have tried and tested this with many balls and this is the case for me-maybe it will help someone else)

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