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► In this video, Joel Tadman and Kit Alexander discuss the six gadgets every golfer needs to own in order to not only improve their golf but make their rounds a more enjoyable experience. Everything from the humble pitchmark repairer to the techy shot-tracking systems, make sure you watch this video for the latest and greatest gizmos that could make all the difference to your scores!

► Want to get your hands on some of the products featured?

Arccos Caddie Shot Tracking – https://apple.sjv.io/c/221109/435298/7615?subId1=golfmonthly-gb-1151042251316562200&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.apple.com%2Fuk%2Fshop%2Fproduct%2FHP0D2ZM%2FA%2Farccos-caddie-smart-sensors
Pitchmark Repairer – https://prf.hn/click/camref:1100lcLMk/pubref:golfmonthly-gb-8760894672368218000/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americangolf.co.uk%2Fballs-accessories%2Fpitchmark-repairers%2Fthe-golfers-club-divot-tool-%2526-ball-marker-set-358321.html
Shot Scope V3 GPS – https://prf.hn/click/camref:1101lcKKf/pubref:golfmonthly-gb-1305659270854482400/destination:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.onlinegolf.co.uk%2Fequipment%2Fgps-watches%2Fshot-scope-v3-smart-gps-watch-359804.html%3Fgclid%3DCjwKCAiA_eb-BRB2EiwAGBnXXmHN02Nj0vWfAcM5lL2La6NjNXacQCnKvTs1tklXoMItIKc0tbE6YhoC3OYQAvD_BwE
SkyCaddie SX400 GPS – https://www.awin1.com/awclick.php?awinmid=813&awinaffid=103504&clickref=golfmonthly-gb-6154333149396645000&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.scottsdalegolf.co.uk%2Fshop%2Fskycaddie-sx400-gps-rangefinder-with-free-1-year-birdie-membership-plan%3Fgclid%3DCjwKCAiA_eb-BRB2EiwAGBnXXtkLVkErrdvMBejb8Te_SRVbRMyLnCTi5ZhrYdMj_pdZ98_g90PsmBoCrLAQAvD_BwE
Bushnell Tour V5 Shift laser – https://www.americangolf.co.uk/gps-bags-equipment/optical-rangefinder/bushnell-v5-tour-shift-rangefinder-358663.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAkan9BRAqEiwAP9X6UcnSqmt5K07wN6bT3uG_5zdIQ8WeZGeu1lsMscRYv7BPDNwy692iUBoChhMQAvD_BwE&utm_source=PHG&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=futurepublishing
GolfBuddy Aim L10V laser – https://www.americangolf.co.uk/gps-bags-equipment/optical-rangefinder/golfbuddy-aim-l10v-rangefinder-351522.html?utm_source=PHG&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=futurepublishing
Nikon Coolshot 20 GII – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nikon-COOLSHOT-Laser-Rangerfinder-White/dp/B07SCJ3YXZ/ref=asc_df_B07SCJ3YXZ?tag=georiot-trd-21&hvadid=309924713643&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5790575521056730643&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006886&hvtargid=pla-798181473284&psc=1&ascsubtag=golfmonthly-gb-6615006455626004000-21
Samsung Galaxy Active2 44mm Golf Edition GPS Watch – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Galaxy-Watch-Active2-44mm-Black/dp/B085J8F2JG/ref=sr_1_1?ascsubtag=golfmonthly-gb-7824608233965755000-20&dchild=1&keywords=Samsung+Galaxy+Active2+44mm+Golf+Edition&qid=1608114966&sr=8-1&tag=georiot-trd-21
PuttOut Home Putting mat – https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=114531&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.co.uk%2FPuttOut-Pro-Golf-Putting-Mat%2Fdp%2FB0776Y1RMB%2Fref%3Dsr_1_5%3Fcrid%3D3MLRJD13E78A3%26dchild%3D1%26keywords%3Dputtout%2Bputting%2Bmat%26qid%3D1608114512%26sprefix%3Dputtout%2Bputting%2B%252Caps%252C232%26sr%3D8-5%26tag%3Dhawk-future-21%26ascsubtag%3Dgolfmonthly-gb-1054961636555583900-21
PuttOut Pressure Putt Trainer – https://target.georiot.com/Proxy.ashx?tsid=114531&GR_URL=https%3A%2F%2Famazon.co.uk%2FPuttOut-Pressure-Putt-Trainer-Perfect%2Fdp%2FB07FNPLX7L%2Fref%3Dsr_1_3%3Fcrid%3DZMUQGT5U6NE3%26dchild%3D1%26keywords%3Dputtout%2Bpressure%2Bputt%2Btrainer%26qid%3D1608114560%26sprefix%3Dputtout%2Bpress%252Caps%252C246%26sr%3D8-3%26tag%3Dhawk-future-21%26ascsubtag%3Dgolfmonthly-gb-7095403207335656000-21

Golf Monthly is partnering with Titleist and FootJoy as our official golf ball, golf bag, footwear and apparel partners for this year

Shop the featured FootJoy footwear and apparel worn in this video
Men’s shoes http://bit.ly/FJ_MensShoes
Men’s shirts http://bit.ly/FJ_MensShirts
Men’s pullovers/mid-layers http://bit.ly/FJ_MensMidlayers
Men’s jackets/outer-layers http://bit.ly/FJ_MensJackets
Men’s trousers http://bit.ly/FJ_MensTrousers
Men’s gloves http://bit.ly/FJ_MensGloves
Men's Belts & Accessories http://bit.ly/FJ_BeltsAccessories

Find out more about the featured Titleist golf balls used in this video http://bit.ly/titleist_balls

Find out more about the featured Titleist golf bag used in this video http://bit.ly/titleist_bags

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Golfing Accessories R Us says:

My husband gave me a Golf Buddy over 10 years ago. Although it isn't as fancy as the new ones, it works really well for me.

JesWebbTv says:

I play strictly old-school – without any electronic devices. Hell, getting away from electronics is one reason it's so relaxing to play!

noControl says:

Either be a man and carry your bag or just rent a cart

Franky Styles says:

Truth is that you don’t need any of these things.

Wood Wood says:

Check out club scrub. My favorite device for keeping my clubs clean

Gigity1107 says:

I couldn't believe the difference a range finder made to my game. Instantly started hitting it closer to the pin. I find the navis good for a general picture. But range finder let's you know exactly the distance when you can't tell where the pin is positioned from the fairway

Thatsme849 says:

but my phone can do perfectly what the gps does?

Thomas Kemp says:

I disagree with you guys on the pull or elec, 3 wheel cart. most if not all of the courses by me on the Florida Suncoast give you a riding cart when you pay your greens fees. I have found out that is the case for much of the US.

Nova Scotian says:

Bro. At your age if you have shoulder or back issues so bad that you can’t push your trolley, you need to get in the gym. So yes, it’s just being lazy.

Jason Issel says:

wow, it must be nice to be rich, damn. I remember someone said once golf was a rich person's game I never truly understood until I watch this video.

Jeff Rich says:

Just got Arccos sensors and will compile some data for a better fitting.

ace5590 says:

Can't see why anyone needs a power trolley…… I use a ClicGear pushcart, the wheels spin easily, doesn't put much strain on ya to push it.

JustThaor says:

Also, I use an app on the phone that tracks everything. It has an extra step because I have to set up which club i hit and i have to track as i walk, but it costs 5 bucks

JustThaor says:

I use a caddy and or car or a combination of the two, No need for the trolly thing

Nipplefish Digweed says:

Carrying a golf bag causes health issues. Load of shit.

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