All Good Players Do This In The Golf Swing

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All Good Players Do This In The Golf Swing

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Ken Kohl says:

Good tip with the handle end, thanks.

Frans Bernard says:

Do these 3 tips applies to all sticks incl driver?

Albany Fx says:

Wow, I was always been told to have the club perfectly with parallel to the target at last parallel. U said it should be pointing to the right of target.

Steve B says:

My swing thought is keep right shoulder lower than on back swing. Then just turn through…. If it gets too high then I lift up

Robert Hampton says:

The easiest explanation to understand , cheers clay ????

Carlos Jimenez says:

Thanks for the update. Controlling your swing is the most important part. For distance, club up or down. Never change your swing. Keep the video's coming.

Thomas Whitehead says:

Excellent. I been thinking about this last few days then you make vid . Thanks Q

Jay Nod says:

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Randy Lunn says:

May be your best video yet Q. Well done. Are you guys going to come to Southern California some day? If you do I will sign up.

mase vaughan says:

Doesn't changing your spine angle away from the ball also change the low point of the swing?

Roger Newton says:

Nice one Q. Like the handle end tip particularly.

Oliver McKinley says:

It's always funny to me when I see good golfers trying to demonstrate bad swings.

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