Amateur & Junior Disc Golf World Championships – Finals at Como Park

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The 2014 Amateur & Junior Disc Golf World Championships concludes as we follow the lead cards while they complete the 9 hole Finals at Como Park.

We have a tentative 4 way tie for the Advanced Men's card all at 46 under par. Jake LaPutka, Andrew Nava, Jordan Castro, and Robert Smith all are fighting for the 2014 Amateur Disc Golf World Championship live on SmashboxxTV.

Semi-final round coverage can be found:

This week's live disc golf coverage is presented by Legacy Discs.

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  • Categories: junior golf


smashboxxtv says:

Thanks to Everyone for tuning in!

Valeries-personalaccount Bradley says:

hot hot hot

Jeffrey Schemmel says:

is he really saying my little ponies? wtf?

Nick Burke says:

Why does it say hole 4 is 850 feet, when on the score card at 1:00:16 it
says it’s 710 feet?

Norrkopings Discgolf Klubb says:

hot hot hot

GoWithTh3Flow says:

Jordan Castro looks like he psyches himself out before very put. Get up
there and just put it through the chains boy!

William Odom says:

Way to go team Oregon. Congrats to Andrew on 2nd place. You played well
buddy. Keep up the good work. 

Packersrulealways says:

King of the baggers!

eric beich says:

well.. we can forgive Simon for that though 🙂

Courtney Biel says:

great job Jake

Philbert PK says:

say foot golf one more time…

Ben jamen says:


CaptainAnhyzer says:

lol they forgot to mark the tee??????

Discgolf_724 says:

he hates that baby right now haha

PMMentors2 says:

Thanks Smashboxx!!!

eric beich says:

and some other guy is calling you going.. ” i got your disc buddy”

GDiDG says:

DGTV is already dead.

CaptainAnhyzer says:

Let McBeast choose the tee

Nate Zier says:

Let’s see if we get another worthless jump putt.

GDiDG says:

And do some putting too – that’d be good.

CaptainAnhyzer says:

lol GD

Philbert PK says:


ayev8tor says:

Thanks Smashboxx crew for all you do

Umesh Chaudhari says:

Smashboxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! Yeah baby.

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