BATTLE GOLF Pt1 at Reunion Golf Resort, Orlando

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BATTLE GOLF Pt1 at Reunion Golf Resort, Orlando

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Rick delivers straight talking, easy to follow, honest, professional, calculated advice to all of his viewers from beginner to tour pro. This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond.

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  • Categories: Golf Vid


IrishMan says:

Don’t think we didn’t miss your little jab at Crossfield about throwing
your fruits in the bin!

Lionel Turgeon says:

“Just trying to keep the crowd entertained Peter.” I killed myself laughing
at Peters look after Rick said that!

Rick Shiels PGA says:

BATTLE GOLF Pt1 at Reunion Golf Resort, Orlando
Who has any clubs left?

Let battle commence! @Pfgolfpro

Stephane Gauthier says:

Cool game. I’ll definitely try that this summer. Not that Golf is not
already hard enough! :)

P-M Meiners says:

Nice course if the ugly houses where not there. If you played this format
with the hammer you would have yourself a nice set of Srixon’s now.

Cace Smith says:

Really cool match format. I’ve heard of this before but have never played
it myself.

Kevin Boudreau says:

Battle Golf is epic and immensely competitive 

blackteebox says:

Thanks for a great video always. Hope you reach 100k subs this year. 

Neil Ashworth says:

Why aren’t you guys tagging your shots on the old Game Golf thingy?

Fred Waterman says:

I am trying battle golf with my friends this year
Looks like a great time

Tony Tanti says:

How much to play that course

MulliganMilesTv says:

well done Rick & Pete thinking of new and unique formats for course vlogs!
Btw, you guys should play the european tour fantasy game on their website!
Goes hand in hand with the Monday Golf Show! I created a youtube league and
we are already a couple on there. Just enter PIN: 9976. (anyone else who
reeds this too! i will make video on my channel on how it works and my
fantasy-results every now and then)

Dave D says:

Awesome stuff guy’s loving battle golf can almost feel the tension on every
shot! The last putt was a bit much for a gimme sorry Pete, 

BANDANA960 says:

I reckon with Pete’s quest for 350 there’s one thing missing with the shaft
on that R15 or his other drivers. The length. Get another 1.5-2 inches on
the shaft like the long drive peeps do for more clubhead speed! Just a

Derek Hillard says:

The real game is so much harder than the computer simulated version. One of
the reasons I question all of these club comparisons using the computer

jamie mclaren says:

Absolutely amazing courses there, I played the Watson and it was fantastic,
love the dig at crossfield it’s what makes your vids so addictive, keep em
coming chaps

Long Hy says:

I like your videos, but please stop zooming in and out. I am getting sick.
Thank u.

konartis8108 says:

The 1 person to dislike this is mark crossfield

clarkoscotland says:

All I’m noticing is how much better golfers these guys are compared to
other yt channels #bootinthebaws

H. Acera says:

Hard to believe you needed any cold gear with all that sun and Palm trees.
Looks a bit odd. Haha

Kane Dyer says:

Loving the intros reminds me of trans world sport

Simon Berry says:

Did Rick ground his club in the bunker on the 11th at 12:18? Own up Mr

ethan smith says:

Keep it up rick yall are doing great. Keep making vids on the course.its
the best part of your channel along with the club reviews :)

Ahmad Reedus says:

You should do more I’m pretty sure Peter would take away your driver first

dante gonzalez says:

Rick did u change out your wedges to Cleveland?

Mike Stone says:

awesome vlog can’t wait to see the finish!!!!

Aldo Linares says:

I play this course and it’s incredible! 

Tad Myers says:

I like rick, but I think that Finch is going to win

jack williams says:

Battle golf is really good game to play with friends 

gg56280 says:

So beautiful course *_*

jumpmanDOM says:

Wow that course looks good

TheSagemeister says:

Lol, fruit in the bin ;)

John White says:

You threw in a “what’s in the bag” video while you were at it.

burner1954 says:

Great video guys…Getting me through this very cold winter and made me
think of the upcoming spring with my mates! Thank you for the warm

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