25 thoughts on “Ben Hogan and Stan Leonard: The Drill

  1. One thing that's really apparent from the first couple of swing is that Leonard and Hogan are dramatically different once they get to the ball. People will say that doesn't matter because the ball's already hit, but the point is that what you see past the ball indicates to a very large extent the dynamics that were going on before you got there.

  2. Lead with the belly button. Don't pull (harpoon). Don't drop the front shoulder. Shift.

    Watch also, (Mike)Austin, Hogan, Couples, Snead, Nicklaus, Trevino. They ALL do it.

  3. Chaulk and cheese…Hogan never hung back, and flipped it like Stan.  Transverse adduction of right elbow…YES.  But not in the way shown.

  4. straight left arm.  Right elbow is close to the body and comes down in-sinc with the right hip bone.  That ensures a good connection between the upper and lower body.   Lower body is the driving force.

  5. Life line in the hands.glove hand in lower line of palms.other hand in top line of palms inline with index knuckle for superior control of club.

  6. Just curious — how does moving the right elbow like Hogan moved it lead to a duck hook, unless the body or arms stop moving and there's a flip? Are you taking "pin" to mean that the right elbow gets to the hip and stops there?

    Also — if you've worked this out, how did you work it out?

    It _is_ true that Hogan occasionally advised a "feel" that was different from what happened in his actual swing. The immediate "twist" to the left with the hips is a good example.

  7. Another good thought that helps accomplish the same thing: Keep the knuckles of your trailing hand toward the sky until very late in the downswing.

  8. Ben hogans secret is not hard to find if you know where to look.this is a great video to show you how to initiate down swing.(tip)power stays within your shoulders,get outside your shoulders and its leaked.think of a flashlight.take your hands an swing behind your back until they touch/then back out an that is where your power n control lays.

  9. the video's drill is worth it's weight in Gold.. I don't even hear any piano because im amazed at watching the hardest "Move" in golf. this guy Leonard downloads the club better than a lot of PGA pros i'm watching today.

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