10 thoughts on “Ben Hogan Front-On Training Guide 2

  1. Before seat belts the driver actually used to protect the passenger and I remember as a kid the driver always put their arm across the passenger or possibly their whole body and even more in hogans case and it apparently saved his wife's life and his own life from the steering column ! He is a hero in my book whether he won a golf tournament or not due to bravery! And I liked the second song!

  2. Its amazing that we all revere a swing from a man nearly 60 years ago, a time before modern technology and freeze frame cameras and teaching gurus and he has this swing, amazing!

  3. Hogan swore he was a much better player before the accident and other than 1953 the record proves it. No accident and the guy would have won 90 tournaments and 15-18 majors.

  4. great footage! two totally different swings of hogan: pre accident which had strong grip and was his distance swing and the post accident has weaker grip and swung more around his body but consistent.

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