Ben Hogan Golf Swing

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A very brief pointer from the man himself.

Golf Swing

The golf swing is the most fundamental aspect of playing golf. It is the technique used by players to hit the ball into the hole in as few strokes as possible.

The Fundamentals of a Golf Swing

A proper golf swing can be divided into four parts –

  • Setup
  • Backswing
  • Downswing
  • Follow through

The Setup

This is the initial position taken by a golfer before hitting the ball. The following things should be kept in mind while making the setup –

  • Alignment of the clubface
  • The body should be aligned parallel to the target line
  • Hips should be slightly bent
  • Knees should be flexed gently
  • Body weight should be evenly distributed on both feet
  • Golf ball position should be slightly ahead of the middle of the stance

The Backswing

This is the second movement that a golfer makes as they prepare to hit the ball. In the backswing a golfer should –

  • Start with a slow take away
  • Rotate the hips
  • Keep the head steady
  • 90% of the weight should be on the back leg
  • The club should be taken back on a wide arc

The Downswing

The downswing is the third and most important part of a golf swing. In this step the golfer –

  • Starts with a slight shift towards the front foot
  • Brings the club down towards the ball
  • Ensure the arms are straight
  • The club should stay on the same plane
  • The clubhead speed should be maximum at the moment of impact

The Follow Through

The follow through is the fourth and final part of a golf swing. In the follow through a golfer –

  • Rotates hips towards the target
  • Shoulders should be facing the target
  • Finishing the swing with the arms and club extending towards the target
  • Body weight should be on the front leg

In conclusion a proper golf swing is essential for a good round of golf. By paying attention to the setup backswing downswing and follow through golfers can systematically improve their game and perfect their golf swing technique.

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스머프 says:

진짜 스윙 예술이다. 수십년전일건데 촌시럽거나 하지않고 오히려 요즘 애기들보다 더 좋아보인다. 야구,테니스 머 이런 종목들 옛날 영상보면 졸 촌시러운거랑 비교된다. 이래서 벤호건 벤호건 하나봐요. Ben hogan zzang!!!!

Tom Redditt says:

This is the best one minute golf lesson ever made. Most amateurs do it wrong like he says and try to swing hard from the shoulders only.
Pure gold golfing advice here.

JayZoop says:

Notice on his backswing he plants into his back leg and makes sure his hip stays left or centered.  This back knee is like pointing away from the target.

T W says:

I've often wondered how good Hogan's record would have been if he had not been hurt in the wreck. My guess is Jack would have chased it like Tiger did his.

Jason Marks says:

While I agree with what Mr. Hogan said It's his follow through that is so stunningly beautiful and smooth.

Kolef88 says:

Was there ever a better swing?

Mud Bone says:

hit 9 (you're welcome)

TheBagBalm says:

143 people have no clue what they doing.

B M W says:

Never heard of this dude. Wonder if he can even break par. Where did he get the flaky hat?

vinson shinabery says:

Hogan's body was crushed by a @#@ bus! If he had not had to contend with that, and that was Herculean, how many majors would he have won.??? Divine power kept Hogan with us!

Bill Board says:

Different swings for different folks.

pureinhart says:

Like a mother fucking pendulum

David Boynton says:

Grandmaster. Simple as that.

coastalBrake says:

How does he get his club square at impact with that move? His club face is pointing to the sky at 0:24

Young_James#12 says:

how can 132 people dislike this?

omar khan says:

he is lying don't hit with hips at all

Moses Müller says:

he is the only one I know where the golf swing looks very estetic

Joshua Paik says:

This is the first time I saw his swing. Holy mother fucker

Christopher Johnson says:

With mechanics like this, it wouldn't surprise me if he would DOMINATE on tour today.

Scott Shields says:

Byron, Hogan, Knudson, and Bobby. Timeless swings.

정프로의 클라쓰(JUNG pro's Class) says:

he is the role model of the modern swing nowadays.

David Nantz says:

Looks like my swing.

Brian Reilly says:

is there a drill to learn this very tricky move

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