Ben Hogan legacy ► Ben Hogan Golf Swing

Ben Hogan legacy ► Ben Hogan Golf Swing
2014 Ben Hogan legacy ► Ben Hogan Golf Swing FULL, William Ben Hogan (August 13, 1912 – July 25, 1997) was an American professional golfer, generally considered one of the greatest players in the history of the .

Hogan believed that a solid, repeatable golf swing involved only a few essential elements, which, when performed correctly and in sequence, were the essence .

5 thoughts on “Ben Hogan legacy ► Ben Hogan Golf Swing

  1. Wish I'd have been able to have seen him play. I'm lucky to have played Glen Garden during a Ft Worth junior city tournament back in the early 90s before it was closed. Amazing to think Hogan and Nelson both learned the game on that track.

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