Ben Hogan’s Pane of Glass 2015 Backswing

Ben Hogan’s Pane of Glass 2015

Ben Hogan’s influence on my golf swing and teaching philosophy continue to impact my career in many fantastic ways. I’ve implemented a training aid I coined Ben Hogan’s “Pane of Glass” 2015 based off Ben Hogan’s illustration from Mr. Hogan’s best selling golf instruction book, Five Lessons The Modern Fundamentals of Golf, the famous Pane of Glass, Ben Hogan’s swing plane theory.

The First known published explanation of the golfers plane was
In 1922 Seymour Dunn prescribed an orthodox swing with club head, hands and swing Centre co-planar throughout. It preceded Hogan's concept of a sheet of glass and advocates that the orthodox swing has hands, club head and swing Centre on a single plane (hence co-planar) during backswing, downswing and follow-through.

Ben Hogan's concept on swing plane from “Five Lessons the Modern Fundamentals of Golf” first published in 1957 continues to help golfers of all skill levels understand the plane of the golf swing.

One of the many important notes: and contributions of Ben Hogan’s concept of the swing plane and Pane of Glass are Mr. Hogan's statement in Five Lessons. “There is no such thing as an absolute and standard plane for all golfers”.

Also in the book, Ben Hogan terms the plane as the backswing plane and downswing plane and that the golfer gets on the second plane-without thinking he is changing planes.

I've always admired the look of Ben Hogan's backswing over steeper or more vertical backswing of other top professionals.

I plan to continue work on my backswing and add additional videos, I have so much information to put forth and details to work out. This is an on going project, and since the swing plane is one of the most discussed yet least understood parts of the golf swing by golfers in general.

For now enjoy my first installment

and if you liked to learn more please contact

Steve B. PGA, sbgolf

Music by
Artist: Creed
Song: My Sacrifice
Album: Weathered

9 thoughts on “Ben Hogan’s Pane of Glass 2015 Backswing

  1. made my own glass pane you really can see ( no pun) a difference. I would really like to make that swing aid. How long are the pieces. I would love more info about you I love everything Hogan. Yeah even my swing evolution. Have a great day

  2. Iron swing at the end is money! Love the way your hands work over the backswing path and don't pull down.I have always wanted to know what makes that happen.It's like your going to swing 7 feet outside of the ball but yet manage to get down to the ball.Great looking swing!

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