Butch Harmon School of Golf: 3 tips for Great Transition

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Transition from backswing to downswing is the subtle sequence of movement that plays a huge roll in how cleanly a player strikes the ball. It's also something that even the very best players – Tiger Woods being a recent example – struggle with. Here, Justin Parsons, the director of instruction at the Butch Harmon School of Golf, details his Top 3 tips for making a great transition in your swing.



I was able to secure a 73-point shot after reading, practicing, and doing the steps evident in golf swing secrets “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it). Another accomplishment I`ve done is reaching 13 of 18 greens in regulation. I also almost strike the green with a range of 5 to 10 yards on the other 5 holes. 73s is not a normal thing for me because I have a handicap of 9. It has been can be a long time ever since I made an excellent round.. .

sawy78 says:

If you wish to find out about golf swings in details, you will find out about the techniques and secrets of right golf swings with the “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it). The book shows the specific abilities as well as swing methods used by all golf tournament experts. Halfway down the guide and I am really fascinated. Right after figuring out the techniques, I tried it quickly and I scored low 80s rounds 3 times consecutively. .

sawy78 says:

Right after reading these golf swing techniques “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it) and rehearsing the drills as I read, I went out and also shot a 73. Another accomplishment I`ve made is reaching 13 of 18 greens in regulation. On the other 5 holes, I got close to striking 5-10 yards with the green. My handicap is a 9 so I don`t shoot 73s on a regular basis. When I think about it, I haven’t had an exceptional round for a long period. .

Ethan Haas says:

Correct golf swings have to do with learning how and why they are performed and those things are found in golf swing strategies “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it). My irons improved 15 yards and my driver increased twenty-five after I finished reading the tutorial for the second time. My satisfaction of golfing has doubled and my self-confidence has improved.. .

PoloOrganic EarthyTree says:

what? the ducks feet is in transition,,lol

martin griffin says:

wa wa wa. face angle. wa wa wa wa left hip wawa. transition wa wa wa . lazy instructor could ye not show me as this is youtube not the radio pal.

kim poyzer says:

Proper golf swings have to do with understanding how and why they are carried out and those things are found in golf swing techniques “mowosam press” (Google it). My irons raised 15 yards and my driver increased 25 after I finished reading through the tutorial for the 2nd time. Because of these improvements, I am more confident and I am having more fun with golf..

Viktor Muslin says:

Correct golf swings are about understanding how and why they are executed and those things are present in golf swing secrets “mowosam press” (Google it). I have read the book two times and made Fifteen yards more on all irons, 25 more on my driver. My enjoyment of golf has doubled and my self-confidence has raised…

The Game changer says:

Any golfer who doesn’t start the downswing with the hips first shouldn’t be playing golf.
It’s a natural occurrence that shouldn’t need to be focused on.
There’s a lot more important things to focus on in the swing. I.e the takeaway and wrist angles at the top of swing which will help deliver the club through impact a lot more consistently for straighter shots.

kim poyzer says:

I was able to get a 73-point shot after reading, rehearsing, and performing the steps found in golf swing secrets “mowosam press” (Google it). I was also able to strike 13-18 greens and that was the greatest one I had ever since I started golfing. On the other five holes, I got close to striking 5-10 yards with the green. My handicap is a 9 so I do not shoot 73s all the time. When I contemplate it, I haven’t experienced an outstanding round for a long time..

Viktor Muslin says:

Right after reading the golf swing strategies “mowosam press” (Google it) and completing it last week, I tried out the guide’s ideas in the game. Never imagined that after playing for Three decades, my swinging ability could still be better. The exercises have assisted with smaller details I had never paid a lot of attention to…

Tony T says:

So what are the tips? Lol

Arthur Schagen says:

Justin really does not know what he is talking about. In the past I taught this the same way he teaches, but then I studied biomechanics. There is no rigid stability at the top of the backswing. It has to be a fluid loop from steeper angle of the shaft to a flatter angle of the shaft in the downswing. Experts in biomechanics did extensive research into the best players in the world and came to the conclusion that is no such thing as swing plane…

Wil Lavender says:

Horrible instructional video

Nocy Music says:

Don’t mention that Tiger Woods swing is not the same he had six surgeries he is hitting the ball great 14 majors 79 pga wins soon will win more who are you a golf teacher plenty like you what did you achieve your tips about swing thousands of them on YouTube lame


hey ,if anyone else trying to find out online golf lessons try Nadazma Amazing Golf Helper (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my partner got great success with it.

Ppoue fund SMS. says:

Wow Thanks! Found this really useful

Mike Burton says:

Some great thoughts on how to transition into impact, thanks.

Curtis Weber says:

When I started, my normal drive was approximately One hundred fifty yards and a slice. I read “kaha shocking guide” (Google it) and found golf swing secrets. Thanks to the guide, hitting drives Two hundred and twenty yards and sometimes longer is possible for me. My handicap has gone from a 26 to a 16. You must search it and learn now.

Finn Emery says:

I have taken Golf swing courses from this guide “kaha shocking guide” (Google it). They develop a custom model based on your arm length, height, shoulder width, club length, and so forth. The lessons have been extremely useful, allowing me to drop my handicap from a 22 to a 15 in the last year.

Ashton H says:

When I started out, my normal drive was about 150 yards and a slice. Right after learning these golf swing secrets “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it) Now I hit drives between 200 and 220 yards and sometimes longer. My handicap has gone from a 26 to a 16. Search the guide and try making use of it today.

Darcy C says:

When I started, my normal drive was about One hundred fifty yards and a slice. After learning these golf swing secrets “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it) Now I hit drives between 200 and 220 yards and occasionally longer. My handicap before was Twenty-six but it has now reached 16. You need to search it and learn now.

dipen thapa says:

There are many components to how to improve your golf. One place I discovered that successfully combines these is the Gavs Golf Tactic (google it if you're interested) definately the most incredible guide that I have ever seen. Check out all the amazing information .

joachim crouse says:

watched 2 videos from him today – one had 2 tips and one had 3 – I could not tell what they were – I guess this one was stability at the top, bump the left him and low/dropped under shaft angle?

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