Can a Golf Lesson Make You Need a New Driver Loft

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Can a Golf Lesson Make You Need a New Driver Loft. Mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru answers more golfers questions this time talking how a lesson could make your golf driver need to be changed to a different loft to get the best results.

7 thoughts on “Can a Golf Lesson Make You Need a New Driver Loft

  1. watched this and read all the comment as had this problem myself,was happy
    gaming a fitted 14 % sldr then had a couple of lessons ball was going into
    orbit now playing a fitted 10.5 sldr as i am hitting up on the ball.

  2. I totally agree with this but my experience was the opposite. I was ready
    to buy a totally new driver because I was hitting a lot of inconsistent
    horrible shots. After a few lessons with my local pro and watching marks
    vids, especially the “Lockey Flick” video I started seeing some really good
    results. So I was able to save $ on not buying new driver and spend it
    frivolously on other clubs I probably didn’t need lol

  3. Mark, you are getting so interested in posting videos and content that you
    aren’t even taking the time to read the questions. He didn’t ask you should
    he change his loft based on swing changes he asked you would getting an
    adjustable driver be a worthwhile investment. If people pay for your app
    and take time to post shouldn’t you at least take time to read and
    understand what they are asking? You obviously blew through several of
    those one day as you are in same outfit, but come on man.. Get back to
    quality content not volume!

  4. Couldn’t find an email address so thoughts I’d put it here….. What
    training aids do you suggest or like. Sklz chipping eliminator, swing aid
    analyser, weighted clubs ect.

    Love the videos 

  5. Hey mark I can’t afford your app for android and have a question about
    spin… I’m a left handed golfer playing right and left at the moment but I
    seem to have forward spin is that good or bad??? I’m asking because my role
    is insane and have been able to beat some older golfer just by role

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