Celtic Manor 2010 Ryder Cup Match Part 3

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Celtic Manor 2010 Ryder Cup Match Part 3 with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru, Steve Buzza, Matthew Lockey and #Brick from YourGolfTravel play the last 3 holes at the 2010 Celtic Manor Ryder Cup golf course. Can Blockey and Parfield close the match out in this final part of this epic golf match. Play your best golf and have fun doing so with Mark's fun and easy to watch golf videos.

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  • Categories: Ryder Cup


Solomon Spydro says:

Loving the #Blockey fairway count celebrations 

ChesterGash says:

I have to revise. Why did you have to upload this

PantsofVance says:

I wouldn’t say it’s “unlucky” if a guy cold tops a tee shot 40 feet. I’d
say it’s just…bad. :P

Michael Ruppel says:

lmao lockeys the best no matter how he’s playing he always has a smile.

liam f says:

When Trent said he was 16 handicap, i think he meant he has 16 handicaps .
Terrible swing & posture and zero course management skills

9MattDuchene says:

Best part was the lockey zoom on the ladies tee right next to Trent’s drive

Jaydon Powers says:

Locket is my favorite person to watch 

Nathan Goodall says:

I would actually pay to have a round of golf with mark and lockey. Absolute

Scott Siler says:

you guys are by far the most entertaining guys on youtube, and Gorilla
James! And after hours on end of watching u guys ive seriously started to
pick up a bit of a british accent, even my parents notice it, lol

Rat454 says:

Mark & Kevin vs Gorilla & Lockey. Set it up mark, the entertainment would
be priceless lol

allaboutthepump says:

mark crossfield and chris evans…separated at birth?

Zach Coombs says:

I think mark has sexual fantasies with all the guys he plays with.

Mark Daniels says:

is it sad that 1st thing I do on computer each dayis check for more videos
on this site. Surprised you haven’t mentioned the fancy DNA;s you are
wearing. Bought a pair in states last month love the comfort and the
gadget at the back to tighten

Wouter Vervloet says:

No disrespect to Trent, but he is even worse than Keegan Bradley. :)

Aaron Rops says:

come golf in Canada 

THEJAMZA12553 says:

I like how Mark says “this is gonna be big” before Trent tops it

tschzzle1 says:

Lol at that casual zoom in on the ladies tee.. Poor Trent

cam platt says:

nice to see Matt back keep up the good videos 🙂 

ryjo30 says:

Is there going to be a front 9 vlog?:)

MsScouser96 says:

what a fukking pile of shite

MLG Skud says:


DjTak3On3 says:

That Mini Driver is a proper heap of dung ! I think ive seen you hit one
good shot with it Mark. Its a pointless club!

xsarahxrichx xsarahxrichx says:

Lol haha Trents pose at 30.36

Dustin P. says:

I like how Mark calls rubbish on #CoachLockeys shot on his first fairway
and then pushes his shot right next to him. 

benaldoonthewing says:

im a similar standard golfer to trent and i was just wondering if you have
any tips on how to iron out those inconsistent strikes that plague us
handicap golfers? keep up the great work

Strat TelePaul says:

Mark should really get rid of that mini driver and get the 14 degree TS
fairway instead.

Brian Artz says:

what 3W does the Buzzman use?

James Wilson says:

What kind of putter does Lockey use?

Eric D says:

Anyone else having trouble getting these videos to stream lately? I’m
pulling 60 mbps but can’t get Mark’s videos to play for some reason… Not
having trouble with other vids though, odd. 

Nathan Crichard says:

great course the 2010, off the fairway you have had it!!!!…and the
halfway house!!!!…need a mortgage for a pie and coffee!!!!!!!

David Moore says:

Looked fun, this course is going on my Golf Courses of Doom list (ie
courses I want to play). Thanks Mark.

L Hilldo says:

Trent hit a “dickout” on the 18th tee. Come on lads, what happened to if
you don’t drive it past the ladies tee, you’ve to walk the rest of the hole
with the dick out. #Brickout

Barry Brown says:

Mark your laugh at 10.25 is funny as hell

Ben Davies says:

I would love to play with you guys. I’m Harrogate Golf Club Junior Captain.
I’m playing off 12 I’m good form. I have #Blockeys driver as well !! Pls

Daniel TheGolfShagger says:

Noticed at 6:45 you are holding 4 clubs…. Were you that unsure about the

Willian Gilbert says:

Always entertaining. Celtic Manor was beautiful, wishful that I had access
to courses like that. 

RODDEE34 says:

Love the #blockey fairway count celebration :D

24zachcracker says:

Buzza, Lockey, The Gorilla and Mark could not be beat as a foursome. Have
to make it happen.

jammin jams says:

BRICK looks like a male version CAROLINE HEDWALL lpga player???????

martyfella says:

sound effects are funny lol #blockyfairwaycount

PingDrv00 says:

Could Trent hit it any lower? He needs to loft up.

Steven Melson says:

Trent just shouldn’t have played from those tees….

L. SH says:

It’s probably been explained before, but…what are all those white dots on
Mark’s club face?? I’ve noticed it on his driver in some videos as well.

David Eaton says:

Whats in trents bag?

Justin Pratt says:

what driver do you use mark?

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