Cheyenne Woods, the niece of Tiger Woods talks golf

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Cheyenne Woods, the niece of Tiger Woods, talks about Tiger, the course at Blackwolf Run, and going pro. Video by Mike De Sisti


rulebrad22 says:

waking up to somthing like her everyday would never get old to me

Scott Johnson says:

she must get sick of the tiger woods questions. and she is hot.

kinnichiok says:

Beautiful. Talented. Smart. A Golfer too. That's amazing! But you can Never tell her that.

Nick Parker says:

I can't imagine how tough that must be for her. It's almost like an eternal black hole that you can never escape. Everything she does, whether on the course of off, she'll always be tied to Tiger because of him setting the bar so high as he's done.

YoungDreezee says:

Sooo Hooottt!!!!!!

Robert Dore says:

I hope she doesn't have a penchant for guys that work in bars too 🙂

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