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Cleveland 588 RTX 2.0 TOUR SATIN WEDGE
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Rick delivers straight talking, easy to follow, honest, professional, calculated advice to all of his viewers from beginner to tour pro. This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond.
Ironic that Roger Cleveland now works at Callaway, designing their Mack
Daddy wedges.
What influenced your decision to go with the 2dot 56.12? How would you
consider your average playing conditions (they don’t look soft there but it
is the rough)? I’m trying to decide between the 1dot 56.08 or the 2dot
56.12. I have a neutral angle of attach swing and usually play on medium to
firm turf conditions. Thanks! Also I noticed on your flop shot challenge
the turf seemed to be rather firm and the 2dot played nicely when opened
Rick, did I hear you say you use Scor wedges? Thoughts on them not being
made anymore and being replaced with the Ben Hogans?
Rick, did you keep the Scor wedges in the bag or did you bag these?
Beautiful looking clubs!! When are they gonna be released in the uk ( satin
finish preferably )????
Is it more tougher/graded than the mack daddy 2 ????
Great video. Those wedges look amazing!
Also heard that you donated to Gabriel Writer’s ( +PureSwingTV ) GoFundMe
campaign…class act Rick! Hopefully you get to do a collaboration with his
channel someday. Thanks for all the amazing free content. I’ve learned a
ton from your videos.
Have you tested the Bridgestone J40’s at all? Read some decent reviews &
considering them
@ClevelandGolf @ClevelandGolfEu
Love my bladed tour wedges, they have nursed my ego sufficiently to take
the pressure off my need to replace my cavity backed 4-9 irons ;-)