Cleveland Golf Fitting

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Kendra Vallone, professional golfer, being fitted by Cleveland Golf


runestone72 says:

Thumb is cracking me up

Tyler Pohler says:

not trying to be critical here but what is the point of this video? fitting
for everyone would be different, of course there are average bench marks
for golfers but he didn’t say how you loaded and what in your swing causes
it which is one of the reasons I figured you posted this video but none the
less nice golf, its nice to see and girl take advantage of increasing their
wrist hinge on the downswing for once.

sparko2012 says:

I need to get myself into golf fitting ha ha

AnotherArgo says:

A fine choice of music soundtrack.

sparko2012 says:

Great vid Kendra, Im considering getting fitted for my next set of irons
and this has given me a nice insight into how the show would go down

Alex Tamayo says:

how did you get sponsored/fitted by Cleveland, did they contact you or did
you contact them? Thanks

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