Core Rotation is a MUST in Golf

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steve perry says:

really good video and info, the correct golf action is not instinctive, we all start by hacking at it. i've been getting better at doing a core driven swing after 40 + years and when it's on things are good. the statement on the screen about someone hitting a ton of balls and not get it right is so true and i can attest to that after many years and buckets. thnx for the help.

amfohr says:

This so good, I was looking for this, a shame that this is not explained better in golf. Also in the backswing the core is turning the shoulders. You also can keep the head way more quiet in stead of pulling and jerking the shoulders around. Also Mike Austin was a big promoter of this way of swinging and still holds a record. Your insight is so good, thanks!

Hmoob Travel Vlogs says:

I often think to be consistent in golf you have to think like a robot. It does not know the arms, the swing and impact. Just needs the energy. If you want a long drive, just increase the energy. Your lessons are great! Now we can learn how to find that energy and let it works for us

whetedge says:

"If you feel it from your chest, shoulders, and back, you are pushing and pulling the body. It doesn't work for the golf swing."
What does it matter that it's "pushing and pulling"? That is essentially rotation, whether done with the large muscles surrounding the shoulder area, or the smaller, lower obliques, that you seem to advocate.
Those large shoulder muscles are very much part of the core, as they attach to the sternum, ribs, clavicle, etc. They attach to the arms as well, creating the perfect unit to rotate; AND, it's at the top of the coil. Why would you engage a coil in the middle? You turn it from the top, then just release it. It will automatically release from the ground up. Hips will perform quite well without thought.

paul vargas says:

Excellent piece here. Thank you

Peter says:

I was taught to start the backswing with shoulder rotation that moves the core and legs to tightly coil the club at a 90 degree shoulder, 45 degree hip and 22 1/2 degree knee rotation to the top of the swing arc and perform the downswing by turning the legs and hips which power shoulders and arms to the finish. It works well when performed correctly but sometimes I get a disconnect in the backswing between the shoulders and arms where I lose the spring like effect to uncoil the backswing.

UDont KnowMe says:

I just found your channel…great video. Very informative and clear.

Martin Doan says:

very insightful… thanks a bunch. your golf swing is so relax and that should be how we play realistically on the golf course and enjoy the game. Not hopelessly trying to be Rory or Jason as these tour pro were trained since puberty LOL

Ufuk Goksu says:

Wow…This has been my problem over the years, meaning not enough rotation even I may have shifted weight to the leading side. I was thinking shifting weight first is a must. Yes, absolutely, but it is not enough. I need to rotate my core as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Jason Butler says:

Nice and on point!

allen burdett says:

i did not realize that the body above the ribs is not contributing power, but it does make sense. i recently came to understand that the slight hip shift allows the club to drop inside and close to the body. thank you.

Gilles Morbidelli says:

Well, for you arms are just two noodles hanging along the body? Really ?…Explain me why Pros have so big arms and sometimes big shoulders !!

Sabino Del Rosario says:

Great explanation thanks!!

Jeffrey T says:

Wow. I have never heard of golf swing explained this way. Completely changes how I think about the swing. I didn’t realize the extent my right arm (hit) was ruining my swing and that mentality. Love the left arm take away and momentum thought drills and taking my brain ? off of the contact. Thanks !!! Was a 3 handicap at age 20. But go lost in bad instruction over the years…

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