Day in the Life of a Junior Golfer

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i hope you enjoy this video, took me forever to edit but this is my life. make sure to let me no any questions in the comments below!

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Track Title:
Tobu – Infectious [NCS Release]

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  • Categories: junior golf


Henry Learns to Golf says:

Keep the good job!

Chandler Martin says:

Post more videos

Master One says:

Been wondering if you are going to be uploading any time soon?, it's been a while.

231stoney says:

Such a shit haircut

Wisconsin Golf says:

What's your handicap of average score

Rohan Rao says:

Where do you work?

Riannoctorgolf says:

great vid man. I have a small youtube channel filmed with iPhone 4 a few vlogs witb pretty average but appreciate if u checked it out mean a lot thanks

Avery Falash Golf says:

Great video! Mind checking out my Golf channel?

Grant Burback says:

Probably my favorite YouTube channel right now do more course vlogs please!!!!

J.C Golf says:

You were coming over the top a bit on the iron shots from behind.
Don't know if this is something your working on but I just though I'd let you know 🙂

Joe Tait says:

Great vid from the ??

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