In this video I detail all the different ways the wrists can move while holding a golf club. I discuss different combinations of movement and what I believe are the best and worst for creating the most power and accuracy and why.
Some movements will serve to increase clubhead speed and therefore driving distance, and others will help you control the face of the club for greater directional control. But can we have both?
To learn what I believe is the most powerful and efficient golf swing that puts less strain on the joints, click here:
Better to simply demonstrate it. Way too much talk, way too many terms. Just show us what to do.
I didn’t mean to sound disrespectful but I was a ‘flipper’ and I think that the average golfer can’t time that flip consistently like the pro’s and as such I have switched to the pivot and hold method which allows me more accuracy and consistency and on that basis I think it is the best method for us amateurs.
super details , thanks!
Good god man. You over talk shit as much as Austin did. Just tell us how to do it right for god’s sake!
Where is this driving range located?
This is pure gold
Lovely video
I think it would have been helpful to show the hands and arms through impact as you spoke and showed ulna flexion and dorsiflexion. (along with the pivot you mentioned) There should be some lead arm supernation at some point and I would have like to have seen you address that through impact and follow through. I'm a bit confused because of the statement you made about lead arm supernation (sinked up with good rotation wouldn't likely cause duck hooks and is necessary for the release of the club).
Great video ??????️♂️⛳️?
Just a quick comment…Thank you sir for posting these videos.
I’m glad I found someone teaching the Mike Austin method. It’s not an exaggeration to say that as I’ve stated earlier on one of your previous postings; I’ve only started learning this style of swing in the last several weeks. However, I’ve improved more in the last 6 weeks than I have in the previous 3 years combined!
I finally feel like I am improving in a manner that makes it enjoyable to play with much less overall frustration.
I look forward to your future posts.
Please add when and how the hands, wrists and arms move from takeaway, to backswing, to top of swing, downswing, contact…pretty please!?
Good description of the way the hand action should be. Great lesson Steve! Keep posting more vids. Do you think you can do one on the swing transition and follow through in the near future?
Are you teaching the Austin swing and hand action?