Dude Perfect: Long Drive Trick Shots BONUS Video

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The Dudes teamed up with Jamie Sadlowski from Callaway for some unreal Long Drive Trick Shots off the USS Midway! Meet the “crew” and watch 'em fly!

SEE the full video here! http://bit.ly/1FOm6sd

COMMENT below! What should DP do next?

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As always, be sure to check out more from the Dudes over at http://bit.ly/1v8fP84!

COMMENT below to let us know what you want to see from DP next!

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Whistle Sports is sports the way you want it. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, action sports, golf, Nascar and more. You play it? We show it. Tune in daily for sports coverage, interviews with pros, training tips, highlights, trick shots, and much more.

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  • Categories: Golf Vid


Demons Lair says:

I guess time just flew by (clock smash shot)

trickshotsam says:

I think they should film at a baseball stadium

MCC Trick-Shots says:

Sometimes bonus videos are wired 

MCC Trick-Shots says:

Bonus videos are awesome 

StarBlaze Games says:

Is +Whistle Sports doing anything special for the Mayweather v Pacquiao

GaLaxer says:

Wait was i the only one who saw skittles come out of the clock 

EVGaming HD says:

I wonder how many golfballs are at the bottom of the water now

Zaini Mizan says:

Do face off video

Cali Gaming says:

Good old San Diego, California. I miss it.

PK17 Football (PredatorKnuckles17) | UK | HD says:

Awesome stuff, really great filming! :)

Caleb Dakin says:

whistle sports don’t use the lock because your wasting your time ! LOL

Joseph Giori says:

really early

Jaime Corfe says:

What clubs were they using

Tanner Peters says:

Thats cool that you guys were in SD

dude perfect jr says:

who is your fav dude perfect person

SF Trickshots says:


kelnjor keln says:

How was the watermelon?

Tommy Cruz says:

Can u do a football one plz

pluralmural says:

Song name?

Max Lundberg says:

Like if u came from Instagram…

Huson Benner says:

Like this comment and comment if you want to see paintball trick shots 

Nathan Santos says:

Hey guys 

Matthew Kelly says:

Awesome vid just like the rest

What song?

Kutter Reddan says:

What golf course

Green Arrow says:

Any hockey videos coming soon 

Hockey Station says:

135 th viewer!!!!!!!!

Kutter Reddan says:

What golf course

Messi Diaz says:

Your vídeos aré so cool 

andy n says:

What song is that?

Bmankelley5 says:

What did the guy say at the watermelon part? something something one more?

dude perfect jr says:


Alex Hansen says:

Dunk video part 2

Joseph Giori says:

8th comment

alex low says:

did skittles fall out of the clock?!?

Weston Loughmiller says:


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