Easy Club Face Alignment || Golf Tip

What is the most important thing to align when aiming at your target? We look at the importance of aligning the club face to the target and where most people go wrong when aiming.

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5 thoughts on “Easy Club Face Alignment || Golf Tip

  1. I just read the golf swing techniques “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it) immediately after I acquired it and the following day I was at the golf field trying out the driving techniques for longer range. I was amazed when I instantly hit my irons with appropriate divots with strong impact. I was hitting approximately ten to fifteen yards farther with my irons than I was used to. Get yours today! .

  2. Right after reading through the golf swing techniques “Jοmtοnο Naha” (Google it) and finishing it last week, I tried the guide’s advices in the game. I had been at it for 3 decades, but I was stunned that my swinging skills was still improved. Aside from that, the practice drills also helped fine-tune some tiny but essential positions that I once thought did not mean much. .

  3. Thanks! No one explains exactly how club should be positioned on ball. I think it should be the first basic instruction. Everyone teaches how you swing before what seems to be first and foremost. Let you know if I hack less due to your tip!

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