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Here is a blog of our penultimate day in Orlando. Sad to leave but happy to have conducted our first golf school, recorded epic slow mo vids and met up with friends 🙂

SUBSCRIBE to Peter Finch Golf for more lesson videos, tips, drills, reviews, vlogs, trickshots, challenges, and other great content that helps you improve your game: http://bit.ly/SubscribePFGolf

COMMENT below to ask Peter Finch a question about your golf game or what you want to see him do next!

To see how you can train with Peter Finch himself, take a look at his website that includes private lessons and video lessons: http://bit.ly/PFGolfPro

To learn more about the Trafford Golf Centre in Manchester, take a look at our website here: http://bit.ly/TraffordGolf

During his time off of the course, you can follow him on his social media accounts!
FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/PFGolfFacebook
TWITTER: http://bit.ly/PFGolfTwitter

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  • Categories: Ryder Cup


Danny Worsdale says:

what a swing that guy has! incredible cnt wait for the videos:)

sadsaalidhaalskdjhasald says:

lolled at the camera tilt at the end

Perry Mattingly says:

Being one of the “students” I must say to all the you tube world, these
guys are truly better than advertised. I had a ball. Fantastic people to
know and I am proud to call them friends. Still working on that drill Pete,
God I hate it but it is working. Rick the putting tip was spot on drained
several today from 15′. Ok enjoy your trip home and hurry back.

Peter Finch Golf says:

Here is a blog of our penultimate day in Orlando. Sad to leave but happy to
have conducted our first golf school, recorded epic slow mo vids and met up
with friends :)

Tim Tran says:

Great to see you and Rick will be working with meandmygolf again. Great
stuff! Love it!

Justin Scheve says:

Special thank you to Rick for the great camera work again. What a lovely
“broad chest” you have Pete. LOL! That #questfor350 must really be paying
off. #hulkmode

ch44yuan says:

Forget about the golf classes….Where can we sign up for video


Nice on Pete. I just launched two videos on my channel. One of which is my
favorite “course vlog” so far. Sunsets and some calming classical music.
I’d love for you to check it out :)

John White says:

I wanted to go, but my budget said no. :(

Elliott Hathorn says:

Fantastic watch as always.That final 5 seconds made me crack up but sorry
Pete i think i prefer the Hooters girl

qTheLeeUniTp says:

Monty’s nearly as smooth as Mr Finch himself.

Ji Kim says:

You guys are fantastic!


and forgot to mention.. what an esthetic swing the guy in white cap and
pants has!

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