Tune in and watch one of my full live golf lessons with Justin. In this lesson we work on my club face control with data from GCQuad. Has my hard work this winter started to pay off?
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Great video, I like the instruction and using the GC quad to help with swing data.
Is anyone noticing that Craig is delivering the club toe up 2-3 degrees? If I'm right that should influence a left miss. So what's the bigger issue the club face being slightly closed or lie angle at impact?
Great video and great lesson… Directly applicable to my current mis-hits on longer irons. And I had also worked out that standing taller and "almost thinning" was keeping the ball straight, even possibly cutting it back a tiny bit. Except I'm perfectly capable of hitting real thins in the process, I guess that's why I'm not scratch 😉
What's your Handicap at the moment mate?
i'm glad he brought up the toe thing. that really helped my issues that are like yours. i also had to nudge a little closer to the ball as that straightened my posture some what. i also had to work on my right hand. i want the feel of the back of my right hand more pointing down after impact rather than the back of my left
Yeah, I appreciate the longer format. Hearing the same swing thought stated in different ways along with watching you trying to turn that into an actionable swing, really nice to watch. Helps me learn about how I, myself, learn. Good stuff Craig, thanks!
Did he fart at 1:00??
Great job and Vlog Craig
Cool video Craig! Interesting to see what your working on this winter.
Cool stuff! Really like the full coaching sessions of better players!
Justin based in Wycombe?
That sum up – seems like Peter Finch preroutine.
What a great explanation of the golf swing especially the part on the downswing from parallell and hands go to the left.
Hi Craig can you DM me Justin's contact details I live in Missenden and looking and getting a few lessons soon and this set up looks awesome!
Really good watch Craig
This was a really informative and surprisingly entertaining video. Seeing instructions to follow a specific feeling work out that well, was unexpextedly satisfying. Great one, should probably get some lessons too…
Great video Craig. A lot of what he said made sense. Next time at the range I shall some of these tips out
Seeing this really makes me want to sign up for lessons as well. What started on a lark, has become a definite interest of mine and I think it's time to unlearn my bad habits and pick up some good ones. Thank! and keep the content coming! (also more FSX challenges! lol)
Nice man cave