Funny Lee Westwood interview after 2008 Ryder Cup

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Interview with Lee Westwood after the 2008 Ryder Cup loss in America. Lee recounts some of the tactics adopted by American fans to put the Europeans' off their stride – some more amusing than others!

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green1773 says:

i live in the US and the US fans not all of them just a few,they gotta stop
that bs abuse. but their not real golf fans anyway,just drunk fools.

6Ott7 says:

World class guy, on and off the course. #1

66ott7 says:

@skreez not crying about it. Jus saying he didn’t expect for a guy to yell
“Lee, your mother is passed out in my hotel room” on 13 on live television.
That kind of behavior is completely unheard of in Europe so its pretty
foreign to these Euros who come here and play and here that shit. If you
watch the Open, you will notice their galleries are very supportive of
American players. They just expect the same in return. I think we learned
never to have a Ryder Cup in a redneck state ever again!

MrAJR76 says:

@skreez Does he look like he’s crying?

Paul Scorer says:

reminds me of peter kay when he talks like that.

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