Golf Downswing Sequence – How to Clear the Hips in Golf by Herman Williams, PGA

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For online golf lessons:
In this online golf swing lesson, Herman Williams, PGA explains the Golf Downswing Sequence, specifically How to Clear the Hips. Too often amateur golfers are trying to aggressively clear the hips in the downswing without making a proper transition to start down. As a result this either throws off the entire downswing sequence or leads to an armswing that comes “over the top” on the downswing.

Watch as Herman explains how there is no true pause at the top of the backswing and then demonstrates how to shift and clear in the forward swing. He also shows how important it is to get into a proper finish position keeping the hips pressed forward toward the target … we like to call it “finishing against the wall.”

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Sondale says:

Hi Herman, Best golf instruction on video and youtube, you know how to
teach! Some pros talk you to death or simply do not know how to teach
essentials, You do! 🙂 How about some videos on the short game and maybe
putting? I would welcome it. (Hcp. 9) 

Aiden HS Kang says:

Herman, I think you are the best versed coach in youtube. You break things
down short and quick and make things very clear. It’s just that, as you
said in this video, the transition is very difficult. I break things down
in a few steps and then try to make smooth transition between those but
lots of times, I end up hitting the ground pretty severely… And how come
you don’t have any videos for short games and drivers? I would like to see
those :)

Alexander Rawls says:

Nice. Glad I’ve never seemed to have to think about any of that stuff. I’ve
always just naturally moved through the ball and turned through the ball,
but it’s nice to see a logical description of it.

Even without these issues it’s taken me a long time to get my swing sorted
out. I still need the right combination of straightness in the left arm,
extension on the take-away/backswing and powering through with the right
hand to get my power-fade to turn into a straight ball. Getting a strong
enough grip and keeping the backswing from breaking down has taken a lot of

By “breaking down” I mean getting too much bend in the left arm so that I
fail to maintain leverage and can’t get the club-face back to square. Lose
leverage and you’ll never get back to square. I’ve never had a golf lesson,
but being an auto-didact in all things, that is what I have learned about
the driver swing.

My formula (talking the driver here): a strong enough grip, plus enough
straightness in the left arm, plus a powerful enough hit through with the
right hand keeps the ball from going right, then enough extension on the
take-away keeps me from being able to come over the top and go left
(assuming I move through the ball, which I have always done).

That formula is simple enough for me to be able to keep it working, but as
I said, I don’t think I ever had any issue with any of this moving through
and clearing the hips stuff. If I did I probably never would have sorted it

Holy cow what a complicated thing it is to hit a little ball straight.
Gotta say though, hitting it straight adds a LOT of distance.

justpar2012 says:

Herman, show me how to do it not start with problems in the downswing.

Aiden HS Kang says:

“We would not actually completely pose here”, ” As you finish the
backswing, the lateral movement begins.” I love these:)

Robert Haar says:

Herman, you are partially right. All the great ball strikers, Hogan,
Couples,etc, combine a lateral shift plus an opening of the hips so by the
time they get to impact the hips are open,the shoulders are square,and the
low point of the swing is in front of the ball. They all do it a little
differently depending how much they’re off the ball at the top of their

Jason Reed says:

Great video … When I started playing golf all I heard about was clear the
hips, that led to early extension and a whole lot of back pain … This is
definitely a great explanation of what I’ve been figuring out after many
videos and lessons

Paul Dougherty says:

thanks Herman; snapped out of long slump with help with this video

bobbie bobbejaan says:

Another YouTube golf instructor trying to teach the impossible.

Mohd Abdusheikh says:

Very helpful video…thanks

FairwayJack says:

good lesson…btw, should my Right hip ever extend past my left foot
??…you are bowing left but I think you may be doing that for demo
/clarity purposes only…thx

Walt G says:

Great videos. Clear, concise and easily understood. Do you have any
thoughts or videos on maintaining the forward spine angle on the
downswing? I have a tendency to ‘stand up’ on the downswing leading to
inconsistent ball contact.

Chris Crumbley says:

thats not real grass!

lee glass says:

superb advice

coolandtall says:

Great lesson.

skyk31 says:

Best lesson ever for me… This fixed my over the top problem… And
Rob W, watch Rory squat, slide and then clear the hips… Thanks
Herman… :-)

SharShar059 says:

Thanks so much. I really needed clarification on that. One of my
instructors said that it was “an illusion” when I said that when I
watch pros swing I see a lateral move when shifting weight on the
downswing! And was instructed not to move laterally. But I knew that she
was wrong and went searching for a video. Thanks!

dannyfr22 says:

once again, brilliant video and perfectly explained. I have been struggling
with EXACTLY what you describe at the beginning of the video. hips spinning
all over the place. this fixed it almost instantly. thanks a lot Herman.
best on youtube mate

Rob W says:

pros dont slide their hips like that , thats out dated

Kevin M says:

Great explanation. The ‘backing in’ swing thought is really helpful.

Raul Fernandez Jr says:

Herman Thanks for the video. I can see the difference with me hitting my
iron shots more solid and can feel the club going into the socket and going
through. Although i am not having the same success with the driver. I
really struggle hitting my driver straight when doing this drill even in
slow-mo i leave it way out to the right close to a slice. I would defiantly
appreciate the help with this. Thank you.

Flip emond says:

nobody tells it like u….why does no one else tell it like this…awesom

mynusss says:

Ive been currently working on trying to figure out hip turn/weight
transition. Cant wait to try it out on the range.

Michael Passuth says:

Good video man

Jaime Diaz says:

Thank you Herman for your wonderfully informative Hermanization….
Young 17 years of age LPGA star Lydia Ko just won the 2014 Swing-Skirts
LPGA Classic Championship at Lake Merced Golf Club in San Francisco…, and
Lydia’s downswing was consistent in the proficient execution of “the
clearing of the hips” instruction provided by you in this very informative
video. I’m wondering if you caught a glimpse of Lydia in action this
weekend (April 27, 2014) and if it was Lydia’s compelling performance which
inspired you to produce this wonderful video? Excellent work Herman and
keep on Hermanizing the aspiring golfers in the great game of golf..
Joy, Love, and Peace ~ Jaime

Herman Williams Golf says:
TheCdog24 says:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. All of your videos have been awesome. I do
come over the top because of my first move is often my hips. This wll help
me tremendously. I am trying to qualify for the state am in Alabama May
19th. I take my golf seriously. I have tried to implement everything you
have said even changing my grip. I’m starting to see great results thanks
to you. This key is really going to help! -Chad

Steve Kay says:

Excellent interpretation. Well done mate.

birdienfool says:

Thanks Herman! Some time ago I wanted a transition video and now I’ve got
it. Over our winter here I worked on getting a bigger x factor on the
downswing by trying to hold the shoulders back while letting the hips
shift, clear, and post, and at the same time pegging that left arm against
the chest all the way down (dustin Johnson style). I think it has yielded
me some extra yards and perhaps some accuracy, and it seems like I am
getting a burst of speed right at impact. so far so good after 3 actual
rounds. Thanks for your help and insight, as always it was very well
The Birdien’ Fool

mrserv0n18 says:

your videos always make sense. Thanks

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