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Golf Grip and Over The Top Swing Lesson with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark helps more golfers through his iPhone, iPad and Android golf app with their golf swings. In this golf lesson video Mark is talking how a grip and clubface to wrist issue can effect the whole swing shape and in turn club path. If you want to hit straighter tee shots with your driver or hit more greens with your irons then Mark's simple tips and ideas will help you hit your goals.
Watching all the videos from over the years has helped me a great deal. A
lesson would be great if not to just show my appreciation for helping me
improve my game. Great video as usual!
Mark if you go anywhere come to Australia it would be great.
Great insight again Mark. You got me placing my right hand more on top of
the club and I am forgetting about the left hand, all my iron shots are
fades like the guy in the video. I’m off to the range to sort this out
right now!
Trust me Mark, many of us here in the states would love to have the
opportunity to work with you for an hour. It would change our games
THAT’S ME!!!! Thanks for the tips Mark!! I’ve been watching all your videos
and can’t wait to get to work and change my grip for my swing!! hopefully
the snow melts away so i can go out and play! as a 5 handicap hopefully
this will take me even lower! thanks again from new jersey in the US!!
Hi Mark, love the Videos. When are you going to come to the US so you can
help all of us with our golf games? Just load up the fam and travel from
state to state putting on clinics and private lessons. You’d make a killing
and we would finally be able to work with you! Let do this… Everyone
thumbs up if you would pay $$$ to have lessons from Mark Crossfield. I’m
serious, you could make bank! And we would be glad to pay it. ( I would
anyway ) Time to talk to that travel agent!!! Just make sure you get to the
east coast, Virginia/Washington DC Area
Spring time is coming, let’s get stuck in!!!
What is that watch you have on mark
This is why trackman and gc2 etc are so important. He might be hitting 4-5
deg down and that swing direction might be pretty close to a “0” path.
Issues would come when trying to hit driver on the up with a swing like
Hi mark great video if someone came to you with the hands away from body
but played with a strong grip what would you suggest been working on this
for a while now worse with my driver
Great vid mark..anymore vids for the weekend?
The only issue with changing the grip straight away could be that it lead
to big big pulls and pull hooks if he’s really out-to-in. Another great vid
Mark, keep it up :)
Good video Mark and a great reminder for me on the influence of face/path
and that the face angle determines the starting direction of the ball and
the face differential from 90 deg to path will determine the amount of side
spin causing the ball to hook or fade from this direction. You are
stringing some really useful vid’s together. Keep up the good
work…..Cheer’s DW
Can anyone give me suggestions to what is causing a push? My general miss
is a straight ball flight that starts and finishes just right of target.
Another great video. I had exactly this problem. My pro changed my grip and
although it felt MASSIVELY too strong to start with, and I got some huge
draws/pull hooks, within about 10 swings the difference was amazing.
Looking back at the videos, the positions I got into at key points compared
to with my old grip (so left arm parallel, top of swing, path on way down
and impact), just by making that one simple change, really shocked me. Such
small margins in golf; that’s why we love it, right? :)