Golf Hacks

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Golf can be a difficult game, so I've found 20 simple hacks using everyday household items that are sure to help your game.


Jason Lovi says:

Video is delayed

S M says:

Thank you very much, a lot of very good ideas that I can use.

Cameron Simonton says:

Great tips!! Really like the safety ring on drink bottle for a line!

Chu Zhang says:

another hack for putting socks on your clubs are just flipping them upside-down right?

Chu Zhang says:


Sandi Patty says:

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Johnny Nonny says:

The one about writing distance on club… saving me a ton of memory issues LMAO. I just broke into the "good golfin of milk and honey" so my distances are huge right now. I finally dialed in my 52 degree to be good from 70 yards until I start losing stability. Great stuff bro. Keep the vids comin

chantelle rodriguez says:

Would cheap offbrand cola work ?

SensibleBear26 6 says:

All fake my dad is A golf coach at state auniversity

FaBiNho says:

what`s the music name?

thebuzzcutboy says:

Most of these I thought were sorta dumb, but that dry erase marker on the ball tip was really good! If you have more please share them

Hack To Scratch Golf says:

When packing for a golf travel put socks on them and turn them upside down so the head goes in the bag

Break 100 In Golf In 10 Days Or Less says:

Weekend Golfer – This is a very, cool video with great overall hacks. Everybody should watch your 20 tips at least once. While my channel mainly deals with tips to break 100 in golf, your tips help in a bunch of areas. Tip #2 is incredibly helpful and easy. You're an inspiration to the weekend/casual golfer. As we might say on the course: "Well done."

FlushableWipes12 says:

Do more of these!!!

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