Golf Iron Lesson with Dan Whittaker

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Golf Iron Lesson with Dan Whittaker

Coached by Dan Whittaker


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● Music Released and Provided by Tasty
● Song Title: Cole Sipe – Innocent (feat. Sophia Odiorne)
● Music Video:
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  • Categories: Golf lesson


Luis Juarez says:

Great work so far… I'm max handicap wondering what it took you to get to your current handicap. Any tips you can share would be appreciated.

George Hart says:

how you practice, and how you take that practice to the course!  It's kewl and rather informative,

Andrew p says:

oh my days just and hole more putts !!!!!!!!!!!!

Calens001 says:

I've had lessons with Dan, Pete and Rick. I've found they all offer a different though very useful style of coaching and all three have seen and improved parts of my swing/game through their own merits. I myself have gone from 13 at the start of the year to 7 through good practice (not just hitting the range) but spending quality time practising the tips they've given me to take away. Enjoying your videos, keep it up.

Ben green says:

Future videos ideas –
– more with Dan as suggestion it would be good if you did a vlog with Dan actually playing a few holes.
– Review kit after 6 months maybe as swing changes have developed. (course dependant)
– practice sessions on weaknesses as they arise from future rounds i.e. pitch control /distance dispersion etc.
– Reveiw your stats/scores for the last 20 rounds and compare i.e. 9-10 greens in reg will generally put you in single figure catogory
12-14 for scratch maybe….

Will be keen to see how your journey continues …..


Ben green says:

Keep up the good work – I am on my own journey to get back to 5 H.Cap (currently 9) and many of the keys are the same as your own to get there……I have had lessons with a few Pro's and it was a lot harder for them to spot minor faults before good cameras and club face delivery tech like trackman – sure they could reduce your handicap from 18 but not many were good enough to do 5 h.cap to scratch. 25 years ago….Dan is excellant coach….good luck with journey.

miguel lopez says:

Man i just see your videos and i think i can help you with your journey to scratch yo faster.

Im scratch golfer +3 hcp and your swing looks good but i think you are so focus in positions and not in your sources of power. 1st try to connect your arms to your torso and keep that good posture you have . Dont focus on rótate your shoulders, try to turno your hips. You will have a pure strike . Keep on your Work!

Art Ford says:

What training aid is on the iron?

gary5565 says:

I would love to see you get a lesson or swing analysis from a really old time pro. Someone who doesn't use allot of technology and just go into it with no mention of your other instructor and see how that compares to Dan and Pete.

Game Changer says:

It's always a great challenge to see a single figure handicap golfer trying to take his game to the next level, GREAT! Just remember not to get too caught up with too much technical jargon especially while practicing off a mat and using a simulator! There is nothing like the real thing, driving range off the turf and better still playing on the course more regularly knowing your tenancies and executing what you are trying to change! Good luck!

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