Golf Lessons – Chipping – Consistent, Solid Contact

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Golf Lessons with Derek Hooper – Golfers often struggle to make consistent and solid contact on their chip shots. Yet good chipping can not only save you many strokes per round it can also give you more birdie opportunities.

Too often players misunderstand how to play a chip shot and so they end up either hitting the ground before the club reaches the ball, or catching ball only sending the ball shooting low and across the green. Such misses make it impossible to control flight and roll, and thus the overall distance you would like to hit these shots.

In this video I show you how you can follow a simple progression of skills to ensure you will hit solid chip shots every time. I will then show you how you can build on these skills to add some variations to your chipping and thus get the ball closer to the hole than ever before.

It will take a little patience as you work through the drills. But if you stick with it your practice will pay off with more up and downs around the green.

If you would like to learn how to improve your distance control on chip shots, just click here –

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DerekHooperGOLF says:

Learn to hit consistently, solid chip shots and get the ball up and down
more often. Simple drills easy to use

Jon Boy says:

nice lesson. Do you use the same technique when the ball is in the rough?

DerekHooperGOLF says:

You can hit consistently solid chip shots close to the hole very time with
the correct ideas and a little practice

DerekHooperGOLF says:

Golfers often struggle to make consistent and solid contact on their chip
shots. Too often the chip is hit thin or the club hits the ground before it
gets to the golf ball. These misses make it impossible to control flight
and roll, and thus the overall distance you would like to hit these shots.
In this video I show you how you can follow a simple progression of skills
to ensure you will hit solid chip shots every time.

DerekHooperGOLF says:

Hi EnglishGolfingWorld, thanks for the question. In this video I am
chipping with a 9 iron. But the premise is that you can chip with any
number of your shorter irons depending on your chosen landing area and the
amount of carry and roll the shot requires. I hope that helps and all the
best with your golf game. Derek

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