Golf Lessons – Hit pure iron shots

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Golf Lessons with Derek Hooper – Possibly the biggest challenge faced by the average golfer is the ability to hit the ball consistently solid and thus the ability hit pure iron shots. Too often players will hit the ground before the club contacts the ball or miss the ground completely and simply hit the top of the ball. Either outcome is not desirable and makes it impossible to control the golf ball and thus score well.

The key to hit pure iron shots is to learn how to move the club so that is moving slightly down as it contacts the golf ball. This ensures a more centered strike and creates a divot on the target side of the golf ball that will give you that pure shot feeling.

In this video I explain a simple drill and that you can use with any fairway shot and in any practice situation, that will have you contacting the ball first every time.

Now that you have the ability to hit pure iron shots, you may want to consider adding 20 yards to your drives. To learn how to hit your tee shots a little longer check out this video

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Henry Lum says:

I have trouble keeping my left arm straight on takeaway. Also, I would like to improve on my downswing. I don't really turn my stomach fully to the target and my hands don't finish high. Should I initiate my downswing rotating my hips?

hawks88 lander says:

My son is pushing his irons to the right. What can he do to correct it? His wedges are also going right. Thanks

Mike D says:

Thank you for the great videos and wisdom. I broke 90 last week for the first time.

Slinging Birdies says:

Ya this is an interesting one, I'll give it a try

Tony Tanti says:

nice drill will try…I have a real problem with dropping the club inside at the top of my swing which results in lots of pull hooks and pushes…have a drill to stop coming to far inside

hummingfish says:

I struggle to hit the ball first but primarily hit off mats. This drill should work great. Thanks!

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