Golf Practice Net Review!

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Here's review of my new golf practice net, LOVIN' IT!

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greg rose says:

are those holes from golf balls in the fence?

Reinaldo Useche says:

HI. Thanks.
Does it include with the mat?

sinkingputts says:

I got one of these from a friend and even in a slight breeze the thug wants to fall over

MKFM_ HunterDrone says:

Try going a bit slower on the down swing and keep your head down throughout the hole swing look up a few seconds after the follow thew

the la clippers says:

His fence has golf holes in it

gothatway09 says:

I want a golf net, but they are such a hassle to put together.  I bought one from Golfsmith and it broke, bought one from Target and it broke.  These things are so flimsy and it seems like you have to be a damn engineer to put them together.  I've put up tents on camping trips easier, probably b/c they are sturdier.

Robert Sanders says:

At least yours contains instructions. Still trying to assemble mine ?

HolyPotato11 says:

Really great video! ? a new subscriber!

Phil Dickleson says:

Heard this net breaks, don't get it.

David Mooney says:

I've been looking for a decent net for a while now, Hopefully you can get back to me, How has it held up over time? Have you had any balls go through the netting?

kaishinobi88 says:

Yes my fellow asian brother, I am getting one of these £30!

Ryan Silver says:

how tall is it?

greg rose says:

Did you hit some balls through your fence

Trevor Reynolds says:

are you hitting normal gold balls into the net or practice balls?

Molon Labe says:

Has this net held up?

lfborja says:

great'1 thanks bro, I will probably buy it

proprioceptive44 says:

This is a very good practice net for the money; i have one just DONT use DRIVER as mine went thru it. It would probably benefit from an extra piece of stronger internal netting. Otherwise i have had mine for 3 years and still usable despite the abuse it has received

motoxsteve1969 says:

thanks for the review and link. been looking for an inexpensive practice net to practice at home 🙂


Dude… Stick to making ROM reviews. Lol

I5ZQ8 says:

Insert flight of the bumblebee song!

Bigpoppa00 says:

Let me know when you root it and make a ROM for it

DickHead69able says:

how is the perennial ryegrass coming along?

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