Golf Swing Consistency Secrets

In today's video, Sean Foley gives you the 9 to 3 drill to help you develop consistency and keys to consistency for every golfer.

28 thoughts on “Golf Swing Consistency Secrets

  1. There's an awesome video where Sean shows how some people use the left arm improperly and "fake a turn" …. It's just a part of a video clip where he primarily shows how to coil the right butt cheek and right shoulder blade back to coil properly and I can't find it. It's a free content video on YouTube I think, any help locating it would be appreciated. Thank you.

  2. All you guys are too critical. Anyone who reaches this level has worked extremely hard to get there, and I imagine like most of us Sean came from humble beginnings.

  3. I believe the best consistency swing is a controlled swing, it is that you don't throw your club at the ball, you draw it pass through the ball, while also importantly minimizing all moving parts of your body. The best representative in men's swings is Adam Scott's, he has big shoulder turn but minimum hip turn, that is to stabilize lower body during swing and that achieves accuracy and thus consistency. My advice is to control your urge to hit hard, and try to hit it softly when you drill.

  4. I tried this… you said if you hit your 8 iron 160yds, this will go 100 yds.  Well, I tried it with my SW which I hit about 110, and doing this, I was still hitting between 100 and 110. Not sure if I'm doing it right.

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