Golf Swing Lesson DONT Swing Straight

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Golf Swing Lesson DONT Swing Straight with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru and Steve Buzza. This is another swing fix via Mark's golf app for golfers all over the world looking at improving their golf games. This golf video lesson is talking club path and swing direction and how many feel swinging the golf club on the straight path can help them play better golf.

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  • Categories: Golf lesson


Davide Ciccoritti says:

Mark seems to be misplacing his intro lately. Intro….let’s get stuck
in…..right then….. :-)

clarkoscotland says:

BrandonCrawleyGolf lol 

Robert Rasberry says:

Great video. I’ve been doing exactly the same thing recently, I guess
through a lack of confidence to trust my swing. This has resulted in
hooking with my irons and slicing with my driver. I had a lesson last week
and was recommended to do the towel drill. I think it works, but I find
visualising that initial turn of club to my right foot (opposite for
lefties) helps. Great work on the videos.

th3manias says:

Woo new Pumas

retry tobuy says:

I personally think you should make a video stressing the importance of
“going to see your local PGA pro” as what is good for one person may not be
good for another & give examples.

Dirk Diggler says:

Think I need help in every way me.. I’ll go down the driving range and film
so you can have a giggle lol

Cally Hughes says:

Mark can you make a course vlog at ufford park

Alexsmoak808 says:

Golf….where being straight isn’t always the best way…. hhaa.

Steven Doyle says:

Cap off please 

Ward Takamiya says:

Please put a mic on your guests. I’d like to hear them as well!

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