Golf Tips – Shoulder Turn Lesson With Video Swing Analysis

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▶ SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner twice
▶ 27 year Class A PGA Member
▶ David Leadbetter Golf Academy director for 13 years
▶ Conducted corporate outings all over the world
▶ Numerous appearances on Golf Channel
▶ Taught numerous that have competed on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour

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Improve Golf Swing Path:

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James Adcock says:

Your ball striking and timing are perfect must be so enjoyable when u can play like that. How comes you are not a famous pro. I guess that's proof how difficult the game is

Chester Micek says:

This guy's golf lessons are about as salient as Johnny Miller's. In other words, they are old school chit chat that is devoid of bio-mechanics. Here's the "driver technique": in general, get to the top, re-arrange your hands and right elbow, bump your hips toward the target, and let your right elbow drop toward the ground as you pull the club handle toward the target with your left. More specifically, at the top, you should set your wrists into the Hogan Position, while you push a bit forward and down with your right elbow, while you gently rotate your left arm a bit clockwise. Super specically, the "Hogan Hands" position has your right wrist bent on itself as if you were a waiter holding a tray; while, the left wrist is in the "hitch hiker" position. The irons are a bit different from the driver, where the feeling is dropping the right elbow while pulling the handle of your tally whacker toward the target. It took me about 3 years of watching video and internet golf lessons to learn that bit, but I can cream a driver straight and far.

Curtis Perdue says:

I love the way your lesson are so simple and to the point. Great video

B. Martin Glover says:

I watched this video and then took the lessons out to my yard and consistently made contact with the ball, which was something I struggled with as a beginner.  I gradually made my swing bigger and the plastic practice balls stayed straight in flight.  I have subscribed and will watch every video.  Thank you for creating this channel!

Maluk Ayom Kok says:

I making great progress thanks to you sir.

Maluk Ayom Kok says:

A great writer once said appreciate other people hard work and don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Ciaran Keady says:

If i make a lateral hip movement before i move my arms in the downswing i lose the ability to square the clubface consistently and i cannot find a repeatable swing-path, granted i've only been trying it for 2 days

Ciaran Keady says:

This is actually the key missing ingredient isn't it. Fantastic teaching, Can i send on some swing videos for a diagnosis.
That would be awesome

Ciaran Keady says:

Brilliant video – great teacher, I've been playing golf for about 4 years, got down to a 6 handicap but as suggested all of my coordination is sequenced arms first. how long do you think it would take on average to play at a level of 6 with new sequencing, i appreciate its difficult to say, also is it just full shots this is used for or would you use that sequence for say a 3/4 pitch shot from 90 yards

Michael Stadnycki says:

your presentations are very descriptive and easy to follow, thank you

FightNGear Holsters says:

Thanks.  Great video and very easy to watch and to understand.

Mark Gay says:

i've never seen your videos or heard this tip, but I think it's one of the fundamental key puzzle pieces of a golf swing. Possibly even one of the corner pieces!

Nicholas Taylor says:

I need to work on this, I think my shoulders are far too level coming down, which is encouraging an out-to-in swing path. Is it early extension and a loss of posture that would cause such flat shoulders on the downswing?

Vance Weber says:

Question  Adam…… the FEELING when I do this is that I am not going to compress the ball but possibly even thin it….whether related to this or not, I am much more effective with woods than irons and have never been able to truly compress the ball with any regularity or take a divot in front of the ball.    So how does one reconcile the top of the spine being away from the ball (or bottom forward) with "covering" the ball as I have heard.   I think I know what the latter is, and I have "played" with this body structure alignment, but it seems at odds with what you are discussing here about the shoulder movement on the downswing and I feel much more "on top" of the ball and much less spine alignment tilted backwards.   Comments?   Am I mixing too different issues?

Rocco Spaccio says:

Hi Adam…love your instruction…very clear and easy to understand…I
was have issues with coming over the top due to level shoulders on my takeaway…followed your backswing instructions and nuked my irons…just bought a hitting bag and it helps increase my club head speed mostly by removing the fear of an open or closed club face…..will subscribe soon… Rocco

Martin Smith says:

This is a really great video. Great information well presented.

Ceejus Christ says:

im new to golf. started playing about 2 months ago. I fell in love with it. Youre an amazing coach! I casually view each video from time to time and practice the stuff I learned on the course. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Cor Lof says:

Thx a lot. ferry glad whit this lesson 😉

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