Golf Training Aid that teaches you the Golf Swing Motion

What happens when a frustrated golf instructor is looking for a tool to teach his students rhythm and balance?
A successful golf company is born. Here's Jim Hackenberg from Orange Whip to tell us his story.

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3 thoughts on “Golf Training Aid that teaches you the Golf Swing Motion

  1. I wished to learn about correct Golf swing and the , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) was the first guide I chose. Showcased in the guide are significant advices like picking the right club model and length depending on your arm length, height, and shoulder width. Through the lessons in the tutorial, I`m able to decrease my handicap to 15 from 22 in one year.

  2. When I was still a beginner, I managed to attain a slice and one hundred fifty yards by performing a regular drive. When I tried out the , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) golf swing strategies, the average drives I strike range from 200-220 yards. Sometimes even longer. Today, my handicap is 16 compared to when I was beginning with 26. Search the guide and try using it nowadays..

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