Golf Weight Shift Drill EASY!!!

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Golf Weight Shift Drill EASY!!! (Golf's #1 Lag Instructor Clay Ballard)

Improper weight shift is the #1 problem in most amateur golf swings.

Yet, I hear a lot of weight transfer advice that's just flat-out wrong.

Not only can these weight shift myths throw off your consistency, but they can also cause hip and back pain and possibly injury.

You shouldn't be sore or worn out after a round.

In the Overview video, I'll show you 3 common weight shift myths and how you can analyze your own swing to determine exactly what you need to correct!

You'll find out:

1. Why “bumping” your hips may be dangerous to your health,

2. How keeping your weight “stacked” can cause inconsistency, and

3. How leaving your weight on your left side can cause chunked shots and a loss of distance.

I look forward to working with you much more on your golf game. Good Luck!!

Clay Ballard

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Howie Karasick says:

I know what’s all part of marketing and I really am okay with that but I
really feel with you going to do a video you should show the complete video
I don’t think its right for people that are watching have to go somewhere
else and sign up for something put their email in there in order to watch
the end of the video that you’re talking about it just doesn’t seem right
do the drill through the exercise finish this video and then invite people
to go to the website and sign up just my own personal

admin says:

Yes I agree check out this one needs to be longer too..

I'm Simon says:

I will never watch another of this “carnival type” videos, where they offer
and promise, then deliver nothing…

Mark Frost says:

jerks got my email but wont show me the video!

Gerard Ezinwoke says:

Chuck Im on a QuestToPar which basically means I aim to scratch by next
season. I know that the problem with the swing is in my weight shift, and
I hit the ball pretty solid when I get my rhythm right. Funny but I was
doing a similar drill on the range today hitting the ball much better, I
was hitting 250yrds with my driver doing this drill!! I did download your
app but didn’t get the premium version yet. I think that I will as I need
to get my weight shift right by next season. Gerard

Richard L says:

hello clay/ On the backswing the weight goes to right + hips turn (45ish
degrees) – when you initiate the weight shift on the downswing your- weight
goes to the left – My Q- on that initial wt. shift ,on the pelvis ,from
right to left – are you keeping your hips at that 45 degree angle ? Golf Instruction says:

Hello Gerard. We have a few really good videos to help with weight shift.
Once you sign up for the membership, head over to the weight shift section
and it will give you everything you need. Good Luck! ~Clay Ballard Golf Instruction says:

They will start to rotate open as you shift your weight to the left. As
your hands are halfway in the down swing (roughly) the hips will be square
to the ball. They decelerate dramatically as you are hitting the ball.
~Clay Ballard

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