GolfWRX: TaylorMade RocketBallz Tour Driver Build in the TM Truck RBZ

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GolfWRX: TaylorMade RBZ Tour Driver Build from the TaylorMade Golf Tour Truck Doral 2012. RocketBallz #RBZFACTOR

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  • Categories: Taylor made


Jesper Rodin Augustsson says:

but the grip? dosent the grip takes like 30 minutes, or it maybe slide off?

Tim Richey says:

Wade Lyles is my hero,.,…and you too Henry Luna! The “backbones” of
Taylor Made Golf! :-0 Fellow glue-slinger,…Timaaaaaah!

santafro says:

They don t even pure it??? this guy s a joke

Rat454 says:

Rather proud of himself isn’t he

Ray M says:

Did Golfwrx become a TM subsidary or something? They must be getting a lot
of demo equipment or some sort of perks for givign TM all this exposure the
last several months.

detectprint says:

Does’nt matter how full of himself that guy is… When a guy does his job
with excellence like he does.. he’s allowed to act like that, in my
opinion! 😉

TheArfdog says:

Pre-assembly takes work too. Those shafts and heads had to come from raw

JCHangtime says:

I lost about 20 to 30 yards in distance with the rocketballz tour driver
from the burner 2.0 tp driver.

Ryan Richardson says:

He plays 44 1/2 “A half inch short of standard” Yet Taylormade sends these
(RBZ Tour) out at 45 3/4 and the RBZ stock version at 46″ I wonder how many
people out there realize that?

WhitemaleOK says:

Your paying for the pro’s sponsorship, advertising and R&D

cman12ful says:

If the guy can consistently build clubs with precision, to the exact
specifications and the clubs be ready to hit out of the trailer then he
probably is the best and it’s alright to be full of yourself your such a
great job.

kengolfnut says:

This guy is an F’in stud….

Justin Hannon says:

There that expensive to pay for that Multi million dollar van there in lol
damn mr toms you use a cleavland cover for that R11 dont you

Hbeaz15 says:

Nobody caught on that Toms doesn’t need a head cover because he’ll put a
Cleveland cover on that RBZ driver…

George Zackman says:

if it takes 7 minutes or so to build a single driver, why are they so damn

Sindre E says:

Because of the material used, the man who makes them and the TM logo off
course :b

Sam Araujo says:

yes they can because of they glue and heating process they use. its in
another video of the tour truck

Justus Seiber says:

How do you buy driver heads like that? Is it possible to buy heads from
TaylorMade alone?

Mububban23 says:

No matter what it is, I always like watching a craftsman at work. I know a
guy who is a career carpenter, and watching him in his workshop working
with wood and using the tools he’s had for years is the same as watching
this guy in the truck building clubs. Great to watch.

Mox_au says:

shame they don’t spend some more time on naming them…..i mean
“rocketballz”? seriously?

Bobby Bell says:

So jealous…nice vid guys

ThePupsMups says:

wow ! watching it again .. Dice

CazHattrick11 says:

David Toms from Cleveland getting his driver… OH SNAP

Kory Morrison says:

why do you care about the name, it’s not going to make the club any better

fenderboy34 says:

WOW! Mr liles has the hands of a master! those lucky guys

Jon Gough says:

who noticed its a fujicara morre shaft but it looks exactly like the stalk
taylormade shaft they make it look like that dame

RnTSkywalker says:

So this guy is pretty much saying without him there would be no adjustable

TheArfdog says:

lol, pretty sure being full of oneself is a job requirement to work at
Taylormade. Modesty will get your ass fired. Just visit any Taylormade
product event to see what i’m talking about…

Lee Shaw says:

Great video. 44 1/2″ is pretty much standard for the pro’s, my RBZ tour is
set up the same as I spin the ball up in the air with the longer shafts.
The club performance is awesome!!

Rick Belknap says:

Enjoyed watching it.

asennad says:

Checkout the swagger on the guy….. “we can build clubs faster than anyone
else” . I don’t know what they paid for the fancy machine but I just use a
$10 heat gun and get the same results.

Garrett Steinbrink says:

I’m pretty sure a lab monkey could figure out that TM makes drivers with
WHITE heads where as Cleveland does NOT..

David Schultz says:

toms used to be on staff with taylormade. big deal

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