Hawkstone Park Golf Course The Hawkstone

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Hawkstone Park Golf Course The Hawkstone. Mark Crossfield and Matthew Lockey play around The Hawkstone golf course in this 3 part golf course vlog with YourGolfTravel. Lots of laughs in this set of golf videos where you watch the guys hitting drivers, irons and pitches in this golf match. See who wins and who can stay the warmest. Golf is fun and you should have fun with your mates on the course at all times.

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straight True says:

” Risking my manhood for a ball, again ” …….hahahahahaha…….. Gold.

Carl Broadbent says:

Lockey is a legend. Plays like he carnt be arsed. But he’s sooooooo funny.
And when he’s playing good its great. 

anton blixt says:

lockey playing like a 18+ handicapper

P-M Meiners says:

Lockey out, Lockey in, turn it off.

Kristján Hjelm says:

You just love them when they are together!

Magix15 says:

Tha banter is top notch. Just love watching the vlogs with lockey and
parfield. :)

StealthLife49 says:

I waste so much time watching your course videos. Love them all the same.

playaplayanomore says:

Loving the new music!

Paul Broadbent says:

Lockey should play cricket, he’s good at field-ing !

MrShanghai34 says:

Lockey Tee time music….. different

Ryan Cleland says:


Stu Dunn says:


Sgt Pepper says:

I thought he said he didn’t block it anymore, I blame pinky :)


I want mark, rory, lockey, and gorilla chips!! DREAM TEAM!!

Will Hood says:

I get stares in my office on a regular basis for cracking up at these
videos, when asked why im laughing and I explain im watching hilarious golf
Vlogs on youtube they just maintain the stare…they will never understand.

shorty4539 says:

All golf videos need a little Lockey! He’s my fave! <3

TheAxisbold says:

Tell Lockey to remember that laugh or cry the world keeps spinning. Love
supreme. Don’t let golf play you. 

John MayBak says:

lockey? yes please

Brandon Ashfeld says:

I’m pretty sure my neighbors heard me laugh when Lockey said “Surprised
that the ole farmers not going to shoot me on his property get his shotgun
out.” Thank you Lockey you absolutely made my day. 

petecabrina says:

It is hard to watch this after seeing Rick’s videos of those Australian
courses, in perfect weather. 

msalazar689 says:

Any tips for fixing the wrist flip?

T. White says:

I love the courses you all play, but hate the weather you all play in.

wibble entity says:

Think Lockey only Blockys when he’s cold now…..maybe the army should knit
you a nice jumper

Nick says:

where is pinky??? #inthefieldwiththeball

John Dunn says:

I love the way you guys have fun and laugh!!!!

i Mc says:

If Matts pinky, then marks definitely perky.

Kevin Maher says:

Women they may come and they may go….
Players only love you when they are playing….
When the rain comes you’ll know, you’ll lknow…. You’ll know.

And golf abides.

As do your mates and your dogs. Nothing else matters.

Gary Jones says:

you did say lockey, was +2 he needs pete finch to sort him out,

William Gustafsson says:

Good video! Can you and lockey Come over to sweden and play with me?

marknic79 says:

Lockys cold from his 4hour buggy drive!

Chance Snyder says:

new music yes please

david chapman says:

Get off my land!

robert stohr says:

I hope there is another part because this vid is 5 minutes of golf and 10
minutes of “he’s a lovely boy,” oh well nothing matters anyway

alestev24 says:

Please get Lockey back to Portugal or Spain this time of the year. It
breaks my heart to see him shiver like that.

Dom Nesbitt says:

funniest video yet, love it

moregolfplz says:

So I notice Lockey isn’t doing the “Lockey Flicky” in his practice swing
like he did shortly after your lesson with him. #lovetheob
#learnyourlesson #excuseforprawnies 

Judge Smails says:

“In the field with the ball!”

Vacuum Boots says:

can’t beat lockey, comedic genius.

Vlaid65 says:

16 minutes of footage for 2 holes. More golf, less “personality”.

Nick Grosjean says:

I mean I love mark but lockey makes the video every time

Kevin Maher says:

Lockey, comments on the first tee after the start…….
Just like women.
Never mind.
There’s always another coming soon.
Ever anon.

wibble entity says:

Throwing a plastic tee into the field….don’t you know they take a
thousand years to decompose…and what if a sheep ate it ? ;)

TXchadTX says:

Mark – how are you enjoying the turbulators and wings and bits in the bag? 

MosGef77 says:

Did you go out in Manchester afterwards then? That’s where I’m from 🙂
Where did you go?

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