Henrik Stenson Golf Swing Analysis: Weight Shift to the Left

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Henrik Stenson Golf Swing Analysis: Weight Shift to the Left (Golf's #1 Lag Instructor)

16 thoughts on “Henrik Stenson Golf Swing Analysis: Weight Shift to the Left

  1. The wider your stance the earlier you must start the shift left to get the
    weight over to the left. That is why Henrik starts the leftward weight
    shift so early.
    However it you have a pause at the top you can use that extra time to
    shift left.
    In some of Henriks videos you can see that right before the backswing
    starts he shifts his weight to the right foot.a little. A lot of pros do
    this. By doing this he can start shifting to the left almost as soon as
    the backswing starts. This may prevent the problem that
    by shifting to the right during ( not before) the backswing causes :.
    Namely it creates backward rightward momentum that must be overcome before
    shifting left.

  2. I would never recommend to copy someones swing. I would however recommend
    copying movements of the body, if they are the correct ones. That will
    allow you to move in a manner that can be both powerful and consistent once
    it is ingrained. If your body motions are flawed, playing with right side
    will allow you to play your best today. But you will always have flaws that
    show up. If you learn the proper motions, ingrain them, then play with
    right side, you will have no limitations. ~Clay Ballard

  3. If you are watching the video from a mobile device (phone or tablet) the
    annotations will not work. You will need to click the link in the
    description. Sorry for the trouble. ~Clay Ballard

  4. Two questions. Are you a Dr.? If so, why you are just pin pointing all the
    stuff about using our left side of the brain. As you should aware that
    golfswing should be a right brain operation, in order to create coordinated
    force. Golf swing is all about knowing how to generate max angular momentum
    via the coupling point. Smaller pulley, in order to get the brain to do
    minimum compensation. Forget about question 2..is too heavy. am. what you
    see is not what he thinks. learn neurocircuitry

  5. Thanks chuck. But most people are having illusion by just copying people’s
    swing. And infact, for people who understand body enslaving effect, the
    brain (right side) is coordinating all muscle in order to provide
    coordinated force. Therefore with the latest of my research, golfer should
    have virtually zero video experience. Good ball striking will lead to good
    shape. Ken… PGA/GSEM/

  6. Thank You! Good luck to you with your golf game. I will look forward to
    hearing from you again soon rknop12! ~Clay Ballard

  7. That is correct Russel! It definitely does not mean that you can not do
    this and play golf well. This will be a small part of the golf swing. You
    will give up a bit of speed from loosing the some drive off the right side
    (only a small amount). You’ll also will have more of a tendency to not get
    all the way to the left. This can cause difficulties for those struggling
    to hit down and through the golf ball. Good luck with your game Russell. We
    will talk again soon. ~Clay Ballard

  8. Haha, no, not a doctor. Good points. You use the left side of the brain to
    practice (improve motions, understanding, and work on the swing
    analytically). You play golf with the right side of the brain. It should be
    reaction to the shot at hand. We do talk in some detail about neuroscience
    on the site. Good luck with your game hangsengfutures ~Clay Ballard

  9. I’d be interested in viewing an analysis of Charles Howell’s swing., if you
    had time. I wonder if his example would be of an over-cooked lag , too
    steep or if the swing is ideal

  10. in watching the video i agree hehas some great fundamentals to me his
    stance is okay….. he stays in balance and loads nicely. In my opinion
    most players today rotate and their right hip moves back and too the target
    which Henriks does ( so the load is different to your model) these are the
    fundamentals of the one piece swing. Henrik has in fact moved closer to the
    target with his loading not further away……………..allowing him
    tocome down on plane and his lower body to rotate faster.

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