Home sim Garmin R10 up and running!!

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Home golf sim up and running r10 garmin


@ng4410 says:

Old free trampoline frames re arranged make for good golf net frames. Plus tramp mats x strong for sides and hit net.

@aidencampbell2441 says:

How’d you build that set up?

@Nickporter17 says:

How far is the ball from the net?

@natefogarty9550 says:

How far does the ball have to travel before it hits the net with the r10?

@JakeLutka says:

Get a bigger hitting mat lol????

@wrldisyours3328 says:

How much do you have invested in the whole set up?

@agawied2910 says:

Just wondering why not put the net behind the screen?

@Fmartin1638 says:

Dig a section for your mat to sit in to avoid it from shifting. Your grass will grow around it and kinda fuse together.

@mycommentpwnz says:

Where is the projector?

@jonathanbaker2215 says:

where is the projector?

@ericliss-d5g says:

What kind of projector are u using? Can u show the rest of the set up

@StephenHinkle-mr3md says:

What software do you use to project the image? Is it part of the Garmin unit?

@jamesbuckley2578 says:

Doesn’t the R10 need at least 8ft in front of the ball?

@NY12jets says:

Awesome setup. Where is the projector located?

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