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You are currently watching a video about how to feel a load when turning your hips in the golf swing with one simple tip, this tip will help you get a real sense of activation of the hips and help you recreate this feeling time and time again.

If your intersted lessons then please visit the website Online lessons are also now available and more information will be on my website soon but for now please contact me via my social media pages.

Its still free to send in your swings to the channel for some advice on what part of your swing you should work on

This channel focusses on the golf swing and discussing in detail about the areas of the golf swing that most amateurs get wrong. Each how to video explains everything a golfer needs to know so they can improve their golf game and start lowering their scores, so wheter your trying to break 100, break 90, break 80 or break 70 then this channel will help you acheieve everything you want.

I don't rely on many if any training aids with my coaching as I beleive that the change will happen once you understand what it is your really trying to do with your golf swing and once your understanding improves then you will start to make the correct swing change, I will occasionally offer drills to do as this can often improve your feel verus perception battle and help aid your cause.

I love giving golf tips however I really enjoy helping golfers with their game and love the positive feedback about golfers who I have helped with their ball striking or driving or whatever so if you like golf tips then you should subscribe.

I'll always try to put my swing on slow motion on the camera howver this is sometimes difficult due to the set up of my driving range and I'm often looking for privacy but I agree that seeing a Professional swing in slow motion can help golfers develop.

I do use the term perfect golf swing, not because there is a perfect golf swing or perfect backswing etc however I like to discuss options in all my videos and sgtrongly beleive there are 5 or 6 things we have to do in the golf swing but there are options for golfers to choose what they want to do which is why I feel im qualified to discuss the perfect golf swing as much as anybody else.

The areas I disucss in the golf swing are hip rotation, swing plane, upper body movements, how to gain speed in your golf swing, how to use the driver, all golf swing basics, golf swing for seniors, golf swing for irons, the elbow positions and whats the best way to swing a golf club and much more.

I also do alot of club reviews with Midlands Golf and specially Ronnie and coach at Four Ashes and a friend who helps me as I'm not the most technical person when it comes to club equipment, but we talk about what are the best golf clubs, golf bags, golf balls and even golf trollys. Everyone wants to know whats the best golf club and especailly the best driver which is why we test all of the clubs and give our opinion on what the best golf clubs are.

We talk about the popular tournaments upcoming especailly the masters as this is a favourite for every golfer.

We do all of this from our happy home Four Ashes Golf Centre.

So if your keen on learning the best way to swing a golf club, the best latest golf wedge, or interested in online golf lessons, what have Taylormade golf launched now?, or is the latest Callaway driver acyually longer than the prevoius model?

Then press that subscribe buttion, ring those bells and join me on my journey into golf and who knowas where we'll end up.


Clouds Rain says:

Thank you Sensei!

Mark Lucey says:

I love that you've basically said that its ok to feel the lead leg kind of "unweighted" (and thus a fair bit of weight/pressure remains on the trail leg) for that fraction of a second as the lead knee and lead hip start to turn target-ward in transition/early downswing before settling more weight/pressure onto it. I think Bradley Hughes teaches this also (first move in transition/downswing is a feeling of the weight/pressure down through the TRAIL leg). I've always believed (learned as a kid) to push off the trail leg hard and fast….and now I can't get out of the habit of that move leading to a lower body slide target-ward coupled with an upper body hang back, severe secondary axis tilt, big reverse-C, a push or flip-hook shot and a sore right lower back. So thanks Russell for all the info you're giving us and keep up the good work. Might even see you in England one day….unless you come to Sydney first!!

Aaron Younger says:

Can you do some more videos with driver. I've been able to create good load with my Irons after watching your videos but I'm not quite getting the same feelings with my driver. It would be great to have some driver specific drills I can practice thanks!

Gary K says:

Thanks for the excellent explanation. I appreciate the quick response to my previous questions about weight shift and torsion.

Terry Brett says:

This is so me I'm struggling with not shifting weight properly in the backswing so can't release the hips properly getting a ball flight starting striaght and going right.

Warren Bolton says:

Russell, can you please do a video on side bend at impact, this is massively important and will go hand in hand with the hip rotation, I'm could use some clarity on how and when to start side lateral bend, cheers ?

Dave Wade says:

Great explanations Russell. I have been working on trying to feel a distinct weight shift to the left at the top (or before the top) of the baqckswing. I see in this video a move which integrates the weightshift with the opening of the left hip?

staticstephen says:

Russ I think any one that isn't getting this is doing the drills to fast, at the range I do 5 swings as slow as I can then hit a ball . Now I can feel the hips working , I also push the hips forward to get the wrong sensation I need to feel the rite/wrong way hope this helps ???

Dave Ford says:

Bravo.! That's what I have been waiting for. IMO what we are striving for is an Oscillation in the Pelvis from applied pressure with the lead femur to trail femur. This drafts the trail hip inside and behind the lead hip. Once the club has transitioned we now can open a fast as we can balance. Russell's hips fly but they don't spin. He has it in spades and he is doing everything he can to convey what he knows.. Good stuff my friend..

Marianna Wang says:

You talk a lot about pressure in left and right heels, as an athlete you never want to be back on your heels. Most of the pressure in my feet are on the balls of my feet and toes. I guess my question would be should I be more planted (rooted) into the ground?

Paul C says:

Just like this…see how beautiful. And during that micro second of weightlessness as you transition forward, it is impossible to cast the club and over-accelerate it. But by the end of the weightlessness when the lead arm is horizontal, you can then engage ground forces in the lead foot and leg and fire away. Russ–your instruction and especially your swing are outstanding which I think is important to show you can do what you teach.

Jim Samaras says:

Very good explanation of the FEEL of weight transfer! Thanks Russ

donnachiebro says:

Cheers Russell another very useful drill that I will be trying soon ?️?️????

Joseph Conroy says:

The three major bones of the pelvic girdle are tightly connected but one can still pivot on the retracted R hip as you suggest for the downswing. However, if one retracts the R hip and while rotating the L hip in the downswing, one does not move the R hip forward as you are suggesting, one would wind up being further away from the ball than at address. Surely being connected as the bones are and not wanting to be further away from the ball, the R hip must move forward (rotate counter clockwise) during the downswing????

Ian Robertshaw says:

And all in 200ths of a second. Doddle. You’re great, a complete nutter, but great. Looking forward to the 6th. Can’t wait. I might even balance a bottle of water on my head just to spice it up a bit. Thanks.

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