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How To Fix A Golf Slice With Driver. Learn correctly how to stop slicing your driver at: In this video you're going to learn the basics of the golf swing and how to stop slicing the golf ball. I demonstrate simple drills and techniques that will help you cure your golf slice once and for all!





Improve Golf Swing Path:

Rory Mcilroy Swing Analysis:

Jordan Spieth Swing Analysis:

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Solar Bread ! says:

This is really helpful but can you make a video of slicing as a left handed player ? I’ve had my slice for over a month and nobody can assist me towards the direction of fixing it

George Higgins says:

Can't wait to try this tomorrow!

Craig Moffat says:

Adam your content is fantastic, presenting technical explanations in a simple fashion really helps me understand the mechanics of the swing more clearly in my minds eye, thanks!

ran doshus says:

Adam, right at the moment of impact should you delay (lag?) the wrist release ?

Willie Depascale says:

going to try the throwing the rock training i'm only six weeks into it and really can use as much help as possible, start working with lessons need the starters grip and stance please

Daniel Minger says:

Your bit at 2:30 I feel has is the tip that may bring my driver back to honor. It was at one point the best club in my bag and over the years it has slowly become the worst club in my bag. My handicap has gone from a +2 to an 8 in the past 3 years. Its is all due to the driver and has caused so much anxiety for me on the tee. I really look forward to rehearsing the release of the driver as I have noticed that I naturally do this with my irons and I am a solid striker of the ball. Thanks for sharing these videos I have really struggled as of late and it's really taking its toll.

Paul Morris says:

Watched this video before going out for a round. I hit some of the best shots I ever have. Great tips

Michael phillips says:

I'm having a problem with a pretty bad slice lately. The part about put my hips to the left is hard for me because of a recent accident where I now have an above the knee amputation. Would you have any suggestions on how to start to correct it. Any advice would be deeply appreciate.

Robbie Golding says:

help me, I'm a lefty with a wicked slice!

David Hutton says:

I've been following you Scratch Golf videos advice for about 3 months now in particular iron play. At that time I was playing of 12 and can say without the shadow of doubt that your instructions have taken my handicap down to 9. I'd like to say thank you so much for the great content and easy to follow style you. You've made it real for me Thanks again all the best David Hutton

Jason Haas says:

Practical advice.

Kernerenglish says:

If I tend to fade heavily, and if when I nearly slice the ball bounces to the right, then does that mean I have a clockwise spin? If so, it's probably because I'm swinging outside to in – right?

Kernerenglish says:

This video is excellent, and it is with comments like the one you make about skipping a rock on water that clarify what you're teaching. Excellent! I can associate this with the different posture needed to "sweep" with woods on the fairway, which I will presumably be hitting with greater frequency.

Brendan Whitted says:

I look forward to trying these tips out on the course. All of your videos are very well done and easy to follow. Cheers!

Alfredo Cappelli says:

The analogy of skipping a rock is always a game changer, especially when you preset your upper body tilt to the back.

Graham Streek says:

thanks for a simple tip that works

Frank Hujsa says:

Hi Adam, I've been golfing for about a month, and started to develop a slice when using my driver. I watched this video a week ago and my slice was almost immediately gone, and has been cured since. Thank you so much!

Also, I'm a friend of Scott Holden's and live not far from Mediterra. I hope to meet you some day!

Thank you, Frank

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