How to Play Golf From Sloping Lies

In this weeks training Danny Maude shows you how to play from sloping lies. By the end of the training you will know exactly how to set up and what 3 things you should be concentrating on in order to strike your shots more consistently.

You will also learn the common faults as to why golfers struggle playing sloping lies and tips you can go away and practice to begin playing them well.

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13 thoughts on “How to Play Golf From Sloping Lies

  1. Thanks Dan , so would i be correct to make my sternum 90 degrees to the lie surface ? i think that would be a good swing thought to monitor , do you agree ? thanks .

  2. Love your instructions because you explain the why's. Could you do a lesson on hybrids? Do I hit them like an iron or fairway woods? Thanks

  3. Thanks for the advice. Could you do a video for ball above the feet ? I always struggle with this and end up hooking the ball no matter how far right I aim

  4. Great video! A problem I find myself in a lot which almost always ends poorly. I like the approach of ball position favors the high foot! That will stick with me. Thanks for a very useful tip.

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