Junior Golf | Golf with Aimee

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Today I am teaching my nephew & niece how to play golf. Aiden is 7 years old, it was his 3rd? time golfing. Allie is 23 months old. It was fun spending time with them on the range. I was happy to see them having fun! This was filmed at MetroWest Golf Course, when I was in Orlando for the PGA Show.

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Email: aimeechogolf@gmail.com

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  • Categories: junior golf


charly yoo says:

OMG they are so cute! Lucky kids to have an awesome aunt.

zenmonkg1 says:

Wow. Allie is almost as cute as Aimee

Michael Keegan says:

Lovely video, boys are so keen to start hitting the ball

E. G. Flores says:

Nice video with the kids. Allison has cool glasses and the aunt has a cute red dress.

valderja says:

I wish I started at that age. They look like they were having fun. 🙂

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